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Logo 1907

duminică, 1 octombrie 2017

Intalnirea Nationala ClubLancia 2017

Intalnirea Nationala ClubLancia 2017:



Cum timpul trece foarte repede si se apropie intalnirea nationala as avea nevoie de ajutorul vostru:

1. sa stiu cam pe cate persoane ne vom putea baza (locatia nu e foarte mare si e nevoie de stiut cat mai exact nr de camere);
2. sa aflu parerea voastra legat de niste materiale promotionale.

Asadar, dupa primele doua intalniri m-am gandit ca ar fi frumos sa ne vedem in haine noi si anume, pentru inceput cate o sapca si o vesta, bineinteles personalizate. Dupa ceva cautari, si pe plan local si pe net, am gasit o firma care se ocupa cu asa ceva, se numeste Samdamgifts iar site-ul este www.samdam.ro. Este daca nu singura, macar printre putinele la care nu trebuie sa dau comanda de peste 20 de produse.

O sa vedeti in atasament doua modele de vesta si doua modele de sapca. Vom purcede la vot democratic.

Eu primul:

1.  Voi participa la intalnirea national clublancia - 2 persoane
2.  Votez cu primul model de sapca,cea cu sigla Lancia si scrisul in fata iar pentru vesta votez primul model, cel de la Russell. Am sa iau si pentru sotie o vesta, deci ma trec pe lista cu o sapca si doua veste.

  Vesta va avea brodata in fata sigla Lancia (alb cu albastru de diamtru aprox. 80mm) iar pe spate va scrie "Club<sigla Lancia>.ro" Luni o sa aflu si un pret estimativ, cu cat e mai mare comanda ca nr de bucati cu atat e si pretul mai mic. Eu preconizez ca vom fi cam de 10 veste, as vrea sa scot un pret cam de 100 de lei pentru o vesta + o sapca. Pentru culoarea vestei vom alege cel mai probabil "Navy" (sau "French Navy")

Avem o saptamana la dispozitie pentru vot. Se subintelege ca nu e nimeni obligat sa ia vesta si/sau sapca. Eu personal nu am nici de castigat, nici de pierdut. E doar un proiect cu care vreau sa contribui pentru comunitatea pasionatilor de Lancia.

Nota: la modelul Mens gilet outdoor fleece de la Russell exista si varianta pentru doamne, atasez la documente, inclusiv aveti calculatorul de marimi.

Amanunte in postaea #6 !


Locatia este in Bucovina la Casa Bunicilor din Manastirea Humororului, jud. Suceava.

Data va fi 20-22 octombrie 2017.


Pensiunea Casa Bunicilor
Str. Chilia nr. 22, localitatea Mănăstirea Humorului
judeţul Suceava - zona turistică Bucovina

Telefon (004) 0747 51 22 91

E-mail casabunicilor@yahoo.com
Web www.casabunicilor.com 



 Postarea #16:

Scuzati de intarziere dar de-abia astazi am primit si eu mail de la firma cu produse promotionale.
Asadar: vesta de la Russell (84600 Mens Gilet Outdoor Fleece) costa 14,672 euro fara TVA iar broderia este 9,25 euro fara TVA sigla cu Lancia din fata si 10,29 euro fara TVA scrisul ci broderia de pe spatele vestei. Asta inseamna aproximativ 80 de lei cu tot cu TVA vesta propriu-zisa si 100 de lei cu tot cu TVA broderia fata-spate. Nu prea e deloc pe aproape la ceea ce speram eu dar astea sunt preturile. O fi mult? O fi pretul corect? Spuneti si voi.
Daca cineva cunoaste in alta parte mai ieftin sau vrea sa se implice si eventual sa proiecteze un alt logo cu clubLancia e binevenit. Eu nu ma pricep la design asa ca am venit cu cea mai simpla idee.

Ar mai fi o varianta sa iesim un pic mai ieftin in cazul in care majoritatea va fi de acord sa mergem pe acest proiect. Poate e cineva pe aici printre colegi care are firma sau poate se intelege bine cu seful la firma la care lucreaza si ar putea vorbi sa cumpere vestele brodate pentru firma respectiva ca si uz intern sau ceva de genul asta iar noi sa ii platim doar pretul fara tva care ar fi in jur de 150 de lei/bucata si ei/el sa nea dea vestele. Daca nu, pretul "intreg" ar fi de 187 de lei bucata (la un curs de 4,6lei/euro).  Ma repet, sa se inteleaga clar, eu nu am nimic de castigat.

Daca e prea mult si nu merita atunci nu mai facem.
Sapcile si eventual tricouri o sa fie pentru anul viitor. Momentan sunt foarte putini doritori.


sâmbătă, 9 septembrie 2017

Lancia Aurelia B20 GT star of Gran Premio Nuvolari 2017

FCA Heritage, the department devoted to protecting and promoting the history of the Italian FCA brands, is at the 27th edition of the regularity rally with a Lancia Aurelia B20 GT certified by Lancia Classiche: a homage to the first edition of the GP won by the Lancia D24 in 1954

Gran Premio Nuvolari 2017, the famous international regularity event reserved to vintage cars made between 1919 and 1972, which pays homage to Tazio Nuvolari, the unforgotten "Flying Mantuan", will be staged from September 15 to 17. Starting and finishing in Mantua - the home city of the great driver - as usual, the first leg of new route of the 2017 edition will reach the Adriatic Coast after crossing the Po Valley and the Apennines. The second leg will start in Rimini and lace scenic Tuscany, Umbria and Marche before heading back to Rimini. Finally, the third leg will lead from the Adriatic Sea back to Mantua through the cities of Emilia Romagna. It is a 1000 kilometre itinerary through famous Italian landscapes and a blend of history, motoring enthusiasm, tradition and one-of-a-kind hospitality.

Organised by Mantova Corse, with the collaboration of Automobile Club Mantova and the Tazio Nuvolari Museum, the competition will see hundreds of classic cars on the starting line. Among the rarities this year will be the remarkable Lancia Aurelia B20 GT from the collection of FCA Heritage, the organisation which coordinates all the activities of the company on the classic motoring scene. The car will be driven by FCA Heritage manager Roberto Giolito with Daniele Audetto, former Lancia and Ferrari MD, as co-driver. This is a link to Cesare Fiorio, who was also MD of the two brands and drove the Aurelia B20 GT at the Mille Miglia in 2015. Its presence of the sporty car which was the emblem of Lancia racing in the 1950s is proof of the dedication of the people of the Officine Classiche Lancia and their services aimed at adding value and enhancing the uniqueness of each and every classic Lancia. At the Officine Classiche in Torino, a team of professionals takes personal care of each car certifying its authenticity. The classic Lancia cars which pass all the tests receive a "Certificate of Authenticity" and a certification plate. Only in this way, each vintage Lancia can boast added value that certifies the enthusiasm and dedication of its owner.

Lancia Aurelia B20 GT
The good results achieved by the Lancia Aurelia B20 coupé at its racing debut in 1951 came at a time of great motorsports success for Lancia, which had started the year with the class victory of the new Aurelia B21 in the Giro di Sicilia. The GT cars specially prepared for racing were equipped with the two-litre engine of the B21 with power boosted from 75 to 90 HP. They had a top speed of 175 km/h.
The race chosen for the new car's debut was the 1951 Mille Miglia, in which Lancia entered four virtually standard-production B20 GT 2000s. The car driven by Bracco/Maglioli finished a very encouraging second overall behind Villoresi's Ferrari 4500. The excellent performance was reasserted by the good finishes of the other three cars, in fifth, seventh and seventeenth positions. In June 1951, Bracco's B20 won its class and finished twelfth overall in the Le Mans 24 Hours. Also in 1951, B20 cars won the Pescara "6 Hours" and the Coppa delle Dolomiti. The two-litre B20 repeated its racing success at the Mille Miglia the following year, with a third place overall and four cars finishing in the first ten: wonderful publicity, especially in view of how little was spent on prepping the cars, which earned the Aurelia the fame of a production car which was so efficient and safe that it could even be successfully used in races.

Not just Lancia: the www.fcaheritage.com website is dedicated to the history of Alfa Romeo, Fiat and Abarth as well. The portal is the online showcase of the newly established FCA Heritage department and the go-to place for everyone interested in the history, events and activities revolving around the classic cars of the Italian brands of the group. On the website, enthusiasts can sign up for the FCA Heritage Newsletter to remain up-to-date on the activities and services made available for the various brands of the group. Alfa Romeo, Fiat and Lancia classic car owners can request "Certificates of Origin" for their cars.

Torino, 8 September 2017

duminică, 7 mai 2017

Les sites Lancia en berne : la fin de la marque ?

Les sites Lancia en berne : la fin de la marque ?



La marque Lancia n’est plus guère encore en fonctionnement qu’en Italie. Nouvelle preuve de la décrépitude de cette marque plus que centenaire ? Plusieurs sites web, dont celui de la France, n’affichent plus de modèle neuf.

« MERCI DE VOTRE INTÉRÊT POUR LANCIA. Déjà propriétaire d’un modèle Lancia ? Retrouvez ici les services Assistance et Après-vente. » Voilà le message laconique que l’on peut voir sur le site français de la marque qui « fêtait » ses 110 printemps l’an dernier. On commémorait également en février dernier les 80 ans de la mort du fondateur, Vincenzo Lancia.

Il faut dire qu’il n’y a plus qu’un seul modèle, l’Ypsilon, qui se vent mal en Europe. En France, il ne s’est vendu qu’une seule Lancia au mois d’avril. Il était prévu que la marque se retire petit à petit sauf en Italie. Que réserve l’avenir pour la marque ? Nul ne le sait. Alfa Romeo revient à la vie avec la Giullia et le Stelvio, mais pour l’instant Lancia ne voit rien venir.

Sergio Marchionne a récemment fait savoir que ce « silence radio » durerait encore quelque peu. A moins qu’il ne vende la marque à GAC qui s’est déclaré intéressé. En attendant, les sites web en France, Espagne, Portugal, Allemagne, etc. préfèrent renvoyer vers les autres marques du groupe FCA.

Source : Lancia via Save Lancia, illustration : Lancia


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