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vineri, 30 ianuarie 2015

Oh Mio Dio! Brand New 1992 Lancia Delta HF Integrale Martini Edition Up for Sale

Last week, we were eyeing a 1989 Delta HF Integrale in Florida (it's still for sale), but this special edition version of Lancia's WRC icon takes the cake.

Besides the fact that it's one of a limited run of just 400 examples of the more potent Evoluzione model in Martini livery made to celebrate the Integrale’s fifth consecutive World Rally manufacturers’ championship for Lancia, this specific car has only been driven for 50km or 31 miles since new!

And that distance was covered from the supplying dealer to the current owner, who somehow didn't give in to the urge of driving such an iconic sports car and kept it in perfect storage conditions for the past 22 years.

Now, the unnamed owner has listed the car for sale at Silverstone Auctions at its Race Retro Sale in Warwickshire on February 21 and 22.

"As a limited edition special, produced to celebrate the Integrale’s success in the World Rally Championship, these cars are incredibly rare indeed," commented Guy Lees-Milne, General Manager, Silverstone Auctions. “So, to find such a perfect example with just a few miles on the clock really is an exceptional feat."

As a 1992 model, the special edition Delta HF Integrale was based on the wider (front and rear tracks and corresponding wheel arches) and more powerful Evoluzione or Evo 1 version with the 210PS (207hp) 2.0-liter 16v turbocharged four engine.

This car is production number 124 and according to the auction site, it's "currently unregistered and comes complete with its original service book, manual, sales invoice and tool kit", with Silverstone estimating that it will fetch between £90,000 and £110,000 (approx. $136,000 - $167,000 or €121,000 - €148,000).

Right after the gallery of the actual car offered for sale, we've added a video of another Delta HF Integrale Martini Edition we found on YouTube.


joi, 29 ianuarie 2015

Cardul FIAT Plus - Fi4tPlus

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Beneficii suplimentare dedicate posesorilor de card:
  • Reducere la tariful manoperei
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  • Reducere la piesele de origine
  • Alte surprize dedicate

De ce cardul FIAT Plus

Avantaje – Prin Cardul Fiat Plus beneficiezi oricând şi de câte ori doreşti de:

  • Reducere la tariful de manoperă
  • Reducere la piesele de origine
  • Promoţii dedicate
  • Produse de merchandising dedicate

Când pot beneficia de avantajele cardului?

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Cardul este transmisibil?

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Ți-ai luat cardul FIAT Plus? Completează formularul aici!

sâmbătă, 24 ianuarie 2015

Planuri Fiat-Chrysler 2014 - 2016

Dalla Giulia alla sostituta della Punto, il piano prodotti Fiat-Chrysler fino al 2016

 Riassunti in una slide, tutti i lanci principali di FCA per il triennio 2014-2016. Che vede debutti storici, come la prima ibrida plug-in del gruppo, l'attesissima Alfa Romeo Giulia, la prima Suv della Maserati e l'erede della Fiat Punto

Sono passati poco più di otto mesi da quando, lo scorso 6 maggio presentò il nuovo piano industriale per il gruppo Fiat-Chrysler in quel di Auburn Hills, Michigan. Come ha confermato lo stesso amministratore delegato Sergio Marchionne al Salone di Detroit, i piani non sono cambiati. Ma in occasione dell’incontro con la Bank am Bellevue, in Svizzera il 17 gennaio, il gruppo FCA ha fatto il punto sulla situazione a favore degli investitori, proiettando una slide con gli “arrivi chiave” previsti nel triennio 2014-2016. Si tratta quindi solo dei modelli di grande volume, e questo spiega l’assenza dell’Alfa 4C e della futura spider Fiat su base Mazda MX-5, conosciuta con il nome non ufficiale di “nuova 124. Assente anche il marchio Lancia, che come noto – dopo l’insuccesso dell’operazione di “rebadging” di prodotti Chrysler come la 300-Thema e la Voyager – è destinato a essere un marchio monoprodotto (Ypsilon) commercializzato solo in Italia.


Per il marchio Maserati, sono attese la Suv Levante – anticipata dalla concept Kubang nel 2011, in arrivo quest’anno – e la 2+2 posti Alfieri, cabrio e coupé, il cui aspetto si può dedurre dall’omonima concept car presentata al Salone di Ginevra 2014 e la cui produzione inizierà nel 2016. Nessuna anticipazione, invece, per le novità Alfa Romeo: la prima è la berlina media da tutti chiamata Giulia, che sarà svelata il 26 giugno 2015 e andrà in vendita nel 2016. Il cosiddetto “secondo veicolo”, invece, sarà uno a scelta (del costruttore, s’intende) fra le 7 vetture Alfa annunciate per il triennio 2016-2018: non è dato sapere, al momento, se ad aprire le danze sarà la tanto attesa Suv.

Jeep, marchio in grande ascesa, ha già sparato la prima cartuccia, cioè la piccola Suv Renegade prodotta in Italia, a Melfi. Fra 2015 e 2016 presenterà la Jeep una Suv media (segmento C) che sarà l’erede della Compass, e rinnoverà la Grand Cherokee. Negli Usa Ram ha avviato la commercializzazione del ProMaster City (versione a stelle e strisce del nostro Doblò) e proporrà diversi restyling sulla sua linea di pick-up e furgoni. Da questa parte dell’Atlantico, invece, Fiat Professional presenterà la nuova versione del suo mezzo più piccolo, il Fiorino, e allargherà la gamma con un pick-up, presumibilmente attinto dalla gamma americana.

Parlando d’America: fra quest’anno e il prossimo arriveranno un nuovo minivan Chrysler (presumibilmente l’erede del Town&Country, che noi conoscevamo come Voyager) anche in versione ibrida plug-in (nel 2016), e poi la nuova Chrysler 100, una vettura della taglia della Giulietta. Sempre negli States, Dodge ha presentato i restyling di Charger e Challenger, proporrà la Dart in una nuova formula (visto lo scarso successo del modello) e un’inedita crossover grande.
E il marchio Fiat? Oltre alla 500X, che andrà in vendita in Italia nei prossimi giorni, sono in programma due modelli per il Sudamerica (una citycar e un pick-up) e una piccola per l’Europa, che sostutisca l’ormai anziana Punto. Non è ancora certo se si tratterà di un modello della famiglia della 500 (la famosa “500 a 5 porte“) oppure se una “nuova Punto“. Nella slide non c’è traccia, invece, dell’erede della Bravo, che dovrebbe essere costruita a partire dal 2016 in Turchia. Potrebbe essere slittata al 2017, oppure semplicemente essere vittima di una carenza di spazio.


miercuri, 21 ianuarie 2015

Lancia Ypsilon 2015 facelift

Probabilmente non se lo aspettava nessuno e invece, puntuale a quattro anni dal debutto, arriva il facelift per la piccola torinese. Le modifiche principali riguarderanno soprattutto l’anteriore, dove ci si aspetta una calandra di nuovo disegno (spariscono le barrette orizzontali). Di nuovo disegno saranno anche i due paraurti. Internamente debutterà il sistema uConnect, come sugli ultimi modelli di casa FCA . Rimarrà pressoché invariata la gamma motori: le novità potrebbero essere un 1.4 Turbo per la versione HF, da noi sorpresa nel marzo dello scorso anno e il bicilindrico TwinAir da 105 CV, già montato sulla 500. Ci si aspettano poi, modifiche alle dotazioni e una rinnovata gamma di colori per l’esterno. Il 2015 sarà un anno importante per la Ypsilon: cade infatti il trentesimo anniversario del modello (per i più giovani, ricordiamo che debuttò nel marzo del 1985 come Autobianchi Y10)…e allora quale miglior data per farla debuttare?

Here is the facelift for the Ypsilon. The differences are mainly concentrated in the front, with a redesigned grille and a redesigned bumper. The interiors will adopt the uConnect system. The engines will be similar to the actual ones, except for the 1.4 T (we shot the HF some times ago) and the 0.9 TwinAir 105HP, already available on the Fiat 500. The 2015 will be an important year for the Ypsilon: it is the thirtieth anniversary of the model (for the younger, we would like to remember that debuted in March 1985 as Autobianchi / Lancia Y10) … and then what better date to make her debut?


marți, 20 ianuarie 2015

The story of Vincenzo Lancia in the US


Time to zoom in on Lancia in our La Grande Storia-series. It’s a rather remarkable story this. In a manner that ‘The American Dream’ once nearly became reality for Lancia, but that that very same dream now might be fatal to the Turin brand. The formation of Fiat Chrysler Automobiles has been a huge turning point for Fiat of course. They missed the boat to globalization some twenty years ago, but fortunately the tireless Sergio Marchionne has come in charge and has managed to avoid disaster. But what about Lancia? The CEO himself claims to own a Delta HF Integrale and therefore knows what an impressive and versatile history this ancient Italian brand has gone through.

The sole explanation of Marchionne as to why Lancia will become a one-model-only brand for the Italian market (and none other), is that the make from Chivasso does not possess the charisma to break through on an international level. Even with the best of intentions the CEO claims it is an unattainable goal. Recent attempts with transformed Chrysler-models are the proof that it would take much more (billions) to turn it into a profitable business. Billions that simply aren’t there right now and won’t be for some time to come. The only thing we – and all other brand enthusiasts – can cling onto is that no member of the management has yet said Lancia might be over with someday. We still hope they will bring back what has been the most amazing department of Lancia (HF), their rally history, but that’s all based on rumors unfortunately.


FCA is now travelling to the United States with Alfa Romeo as their most suitable (premium) brand, but Vincenzo Lancia, too, once wound up on the shores of America with his very own make. As a typical Piedmont businessman, who hadn’t seen much South of the Alps yet, he first went to New York. We say first, but in fact the man had already been there for other purposes; he’d competed in the Vanderbilt Cup of 1905 and 1906 (picture above) as a Fiat-driver. Those were the days during which he was already working on his own brand, being a talented engineer as he was. The ever-smiling Lancia was a businessman at heart and a true adventurer as well, even though he could also enjoy the occasional night out in Turin with a game of ‘bocce’ (pétanque). It was his entrepreneurship that got him his international prestige though, especially with the fabulous Lambda which was ordered by wealthy people from all over the globe.


In the second half of the twenties, Lancia came to own a large production location at the Corso Peschiera (picture on top) and had the elegant Dilambda manufactured there. He was selling quite a few cars in the US by then and therefore thought it a good idea to start producing across the pond as well. The modern and comfortable Lancias were much appreciated by the Americans. The Swedish Hollywood-star Greta Garbo gladly had her photographed in a Lambda, for example (picture above). Frank M. Ferrari (not related) started ‘Lancia Motor Sales Corporation’ in 1925. Garbo and many other famous Americans bought their Lancias from him. Ferrari was COO of a concern called ‘City Trust’ together with other Italo-Americans such as Victor Rocca and Michael M. Longo. Together they owned some fifty companies.

Lancia story1

The fact that these businessmen all wore Italian names did not immediately bare Lancia any trouble. As a Piedmont industrial himself, he too was an example of Italian entrepreneurship. He therefore entrusted these men the production of his high-end automobiles. One Antony Flocker, son of an Italian mother, is said to have persuaded Vincenzo and make him go for it. Lancia was excited about the idea of an American plant and – as was often the case – made the decision all by himself to make it happen. He didn’t consult anyone in Turin at the time (in 1926 to be exact). The Tipo 220 Dilambda , by then nearly entirely developed, was the perfect car for the job with its high comfort-degree. The only thing left to do was develop an engine with more cylinders, and so Lancia did; a 3960cc V8 with a 24 degree-angle.


The new model was to be presented on an American motor show in 1928. The New York Auto Saloon was the biggest one worldwide at the time. It was also agreed that other versions would be making their debut at the National Automobile Show in the Grand Central Palace on January 5th 1929. In anticipation of this important launch, Lancia immediately set his people to work and told them to make a definite version of the chassis. As a shareholder of the coachbuilder (Pinin)Farina, he had the transformation of the bodywork covered. Viotti and Boneschi (two other coachbuilders) would also work on the project. On September 29th of 1927, meanwhile, ‘Lancia Motor of America’ was brought to life. Flocker, Ferrari and Lancia himself were in charge of this company. The old Fiat-plant in New York was bought and the operating cash was a total of three million dollars, most of which came from Lancia’s equity.

Lancia story2

Flocker more and more often spent his time in the design department of Lancia in Turin (picture above and below), but wasn’t exactly cheered upon for doing so. The co-owner of the newly formed company in the US apparently made numerous requests in terms of development. The technical staff of Lancia claimed many of them were completely absurd. Despite these struggles though, 12 prototypes were made. All of them were fitted with most luxurious bodyworks, some of them even with gilded details. These had more to do with the American sense of glamour than with the Italian touch of finesse and exquisite design. It would later become clear why Flocker had constantly been slowing down the project with his requests, resulting in the planned introduction in New York not being achieved.


The cars eventually got transported to the States and Vincenzo Lancia travelled there as well on January 3rd. He wanted to contact his American partners while on the way, but in those days that wasn’t an easy task. Vincenzo couldn’t reach them at all, in fact. What happened exactly at that stage is not entirely clear, but Vincenzo did get to a point during his travels where he realized that he had been ripped off. Flocker confessed everything in a hotel and told Lancia the true intentions of the City Trust shareholders. It is said that Vincenzo was so shocked by what he had been told, that he left the hotel through a backdoor and took the first boat back to Italy. By doing so, he actually somewhat avoided being dragged into an adventure that would have ended even more badly. It became clear that he had been the victim of a cover-up for the American mafia. A mafia that was mainly led by former countrymen of his, in fact. They were an entirely different breed of entrepreneurs compared to the sincere – and probably slightly naive – Vincenzo. He luckily managed to get away and blew the entire thing off. Frank M. Ferrari had been forced by the mobsters to open a fictitious Lancia-factory in order to trade in false shares. ‘Lancia Motors of America’ and therefore Vincenzo Lancia himself were the scapegoat. After closer investigation it turned out that no factory had ever been paid off and the entire ‘City Trust’-group fell to pieces once this scandal came to light. Flocker stood up for Lancia in the end and spared the Italian from even more grief. Some retrieved money and 12 Dilambdas were given back to Lancia.

Lancia story3
This black page in Lancia’s career was a subject the talented pioneer – understandably – didn’t like talking about. The Dilambda went into production in Turin and was built over 700 times in several versions up to 1938. All of them were fitted with the 3956cc V8 with cast iron cylinder heads (picture above). While the Dilambda had many different technical characteristics from the Lambda, the extra rigid chassis (though now divided from the bodywork), the independent suspension up front, the thermostat in the radiator and the liquid pump were all staggering inventions. Other typical details were the rear lights in the shape of the Lancia-logo and an anti-theft system with which the gear shift could be blocked. The latter might be an unofficial consequence of Vincenzo’s short-lived and traumatic experiences in the criminal New York. Gianni Lancia, Vincenzo’s son, later took the successful Aurelia overseas; a saving grace for his father who had already passed away by that time. Lancia wound up in the US when it was in the hands of Fiat as well, but again without much success. No American will probably remember the Beta berlina. Perhaps one or two would the Scorpion, but the Beta Montecarlo is likely to be the most famous one… The Italian female sports car which Hollywood VW ‘Herbie’ fell in love with. Still, there is an actual fan club in the US, and that says a lot about the power and passion of this brand.

Lancia story4

We wish Marchionne all the success with Alfa Romeo, but we especially hope he won’t give up on Lancia. That it doesn’t belong in America is something we can live with.


marți, 13 ianuarie 2015

World premiere: All-new 2015 Alfa Romeo 4C Spider

  • All-new 2015 Alfa Romeo 4C Spider delivers Race-inspired Performance, Advanced Technologies, Seductive Italian Style, and now an Even More Exhilarating Driving Experience With Open-air Freedom
  • Production version of the all-new 2015 Alfa Romeo 4C Spider, revealed at the 2015 North American International Auto Show
  • All-new 2015 Alfa Romeo 4C Spider's open-air performance cockpit and mid-engine proportions draw from more than 100 years of groundbreaking and functional Italian design
  • Unique carbon fiber windshield frame and available carbon fiber "halo" highlight 4C Spider's ultralight carbon fiber monocoque and aluminum chassis structures, which enable an incredible power-to-weight ratio and supercar-level performance
  • Innovative and unique technological solutions: all-aluminum 1750 cc direct-injection, intercooled, advanced turbocharged engine with dual variable-valve timing paired to the blistering fast Alfa TCT (twin-clutch transmission) and Alfa DNA selector with four adjustable drive modes
  • All-new available Akrapovič dual-mode exhaust system features dual, center-mounted tips with carbon fiber surround and signature Alfa resonant sound (late availability)
  • Handcrafted in Modena, Italy, Alfa Romeo 4C Spider combines two excellences - the performance engineering of Alfa Romeo and the craftsmanship of Maserati manufacturing
  • All-new 2015 Alfa Romeo 4C Spider will be available in Europe this summer

Adding to the Alfa Romeo brand's legendary racing history and the exciting experience of open-air motoring, the all-new 2015 Alfa Romeo 4C Spider debuts with panoramic views complemented with a signature Alfa exhaust note, plus the essential sportiness of the award-winning 4C Coupe: handcrafted in Modena, Italy; groundbreaking and seductive Italian style; state-of-the-art Formula 1 inspired carbon fiber monocoque chassis that enables an incredible power-to-weight ratio; advanced technologies, including the all-aluminum 1750 cc turbocharged engine with direct-injection, intercoolers, and variable-valve timing that enable supercar-level performance.

 "4C" and the Legacy of Alfa Romeo
The Alfa Romeo 4C Spider name recalls the brand's great sporting tradition: the acronyms 8C and 6C in the 1930s and 1940s distinguished racing and road cars fitted with powerful eight- and six-cylinder engines. Like the award-winning 4C Coupe, the all-new 2015 Alfa Romeo 4C Spider model's designation is a return to "the great Alfa Romeos" and continues this tradition with the innovative all-aluminum 1750 cc turbocharged direct injection, intercooler four-cylinder engine, delivering an impressive 136 horsepower per liter.
With seating for two, panoramic views and the soundtrack of an Italian performance-tuned engine and exhaust, Spiders are among the most exhilarating experiences in motoring - and represent the very core of Alfa Romeo's DNA and heritage.
The 4C Spider draws from a bloodline that includes some of the most purpose-built performance models that illustrate lightness and efficiency with undeniable Alfa Romeo style: the aluminum-bodied 8C 2900 B Touring (1938); the 1900 C52 "Flying Saucer" (1952), which could exceed 140 mph (230 kph); and most notably the legendary 33 Stradale (1967) with its mid-engine and magnesium alloy and steel tube chassis "clothed" by groundbreaking styling, which is functional and distinctly Italian. And now it is the 4C Spider's turn to deliver the driving thrill, performance and unforgettable emotion that only an Alfa Romeo Spider provokes.

Groundbreaking and seductive Italian style
Continuing the groundbreaking theme of technology, performance and Italian style, the all-new 2015 Alfa Romeo 4C Spider builds upon the brand's journey, which was embarked upon with the 8C Competizione (2008), 8C Spider (2009), 4C Coupe (2015), and most recently, the 4C Spider Concept, which debuted at the 84th International Geneva Motor Show.
Inspired by the 33 Stradale, the all-new Alfa Romeo 4C Spider transcends this legendary racecar's mid-engine body forms and follows its purposeful and lightweight performance tradition with sheet-molded compound (SMC) composite panels forming its seductive Italian design, and "clothing" its state-of-the-art carbon fiber monocoque chassis and all-aluminum 1750 cc turbocharged, direct-injected engine.
Covering the "beating heart" of this Italian supercar is a deck-lid with three functional heat extractors and an aerodynamically tuned spoiler. And it's from the 4C Spider's "beating heart" where every other design element starts: two muscular forms straddle the rear hood and elevate the body above the cockpit's beltline for visual strength and foundation for the black or available carbon fiber "halo." The rear fascia and round rear LED illuminated tail lamps blend into the muscular rear wings for a powerful stance, while stylistically incorporating large functional air intakes to cool the engine. Below, dual exhausts are mounted at the corners and highlight the 4C Spider's supercar stance. Inspired by the 4C Spider Concept, an all-new Akrapovič dual-mode center-mounted performance exhaust system will be available on the 4C Spider (late availability).
On each side of the all-new 4C Spider, the sculpted air intakes spring a muscular and dynamic form that lead elegantly into the headlamps. Highlighting its exotic monocoque is a carbon fiber windshield frame, which promotes strength and lightness, while providing the attachment points for the removable, stowable cloth roof, or available exposed carbon fiber hardtop (late availability).
Leading from the 4C Spider's windshield and down the hood are two muscular hood forms, which naturally conclude at the signature Alfa Romeo shield-shaped grille and emblem. Together with the two side air intakes designed in the front fascia, the 4C Spider forms the famous "Trilobo," a significant facet of Alfa Romeo's distinctive design.

Performance-focused cockpit
The all-new 2015 Alfa Romeo 4C Spider's cockpit is inspired from racing; purpose built with only the essential driving components stylistically integrated.
The Alfa Romeo 4C Spider features two composite-framed sport seats with standard leather and an exposed carbon fiber monocoque that exemplifies its race-inspired technologies. Furthermore, a driver-oriented cockpit with flat-bottom, leather performance steering wheel with paddle-shifters and aluminum pedals speak to the brand's racing spirit. For an upscale look, the fully wrapped premium-leather interior with accent stitching is standard on the Alfa Romeo 4C Spider, as are unique carbon fiber vent surrounds. Highlighting the use of advanced technology is a 7-inch full-color driver information display (DID) cluster, which displays vehicle information through high-impact graphics to keep the driver focused on the road, or track, ahead.
New to the Alfa Romeo 4C lineup is the addition of an Alpine premium radio. Designed for audiophiles, this new head unit enables the 4C Spider to offer its passengers premium sound quality and multiple connectivity and media options, including handsfree Bluetooth phone, Bluetooth streaming, USB port, iPod interface and CD/MP3 capabilities. In addition, the Alpine radio provides access to HD radio and SiriusXM Radio for high-definition broadcast audio.

A vivid array of colors, materials and design details
Adding to the excitement of owning an Alfa Romeo are the personalization options that each client can select.
Seven exterior colors are available for the 4C Spider, and include: Rosso Alfa, Black, White, Basalt Grey Metallic, Rosso Competizione Tri-coat, Madreperla White Tri-coat and all-new Giallo (yellow).
Complementing the 4C Spider's exterior are six interior combinations, which include two seat material choices: Black leather with Red accent stitching, Red leather with Red accent stitching, new Black leather with Giallo accent stitching, and exclusive to the Track Package - Black racing leather seats with microfiber inserts and Red or Yellow accent stitching.
For a bespoke look, and all-new to the 4C model lineup, a contrasting Tobacco leather with Black accent interior will be available later in the model year. This premium configuration features the dual color treatment on the instrument, door panels and steering wheel.
With the arrival of the 4C Spider are four all-new wheel designs, which include staggered fitting 17 x 7.0-inch (front) and 18 x 8.0-inch (rear) alloy wheels in Silver or Dark finish. For added style and performance, larger 18 x 7.0-inch (front) and wider 19 x 8.5-inch (rear) forged wheels in Silver or Dark Gray finish are also available. Completing the look are four brake caliper color choices, including Silver (standard) or available Red, Yellow, or Black.

Mid-engine layout with a unique set of technological solutions
Thanks to its mid-engine layout, advanced technology and compact size, the all-new 2015 Alfa Romeo 4C Spider demonstrates its precision, agility and performance credentials with a top speed of 160 miles per hour (mph), 0-to-60 mph acceleration blasts in an estimated 4.1-seconds, 1.1 g of lateral acceleration and 1.25 g of maximum braking deceleration.
Delivering the ultra-lightweight architecture needed for maximum performance and dynamic efficiency, Alfa Romeo engineers looked to Formula 1 and only the most advanced supercars for state-of-the-art materials. The result is a monocoque chassis made entirely of unilateral, "pre-preg" carbon fiber layers that are hand-laid for extraordinary stiffness and strength. At 236 pounds, the highly exotic carbon fiber monocoque chassis delivers a material performance that is three-times stronger and seven-times lighter than steel. Completing the competition-grade architecture are front- and rear-chassis structures and an engine-mounting frame made from lightweight aluminum.
Thanks to the monocoque's inherent rigidity, Alfa Romeo engineers were able to minimize structural differences between the 4C Spider and 4C Coupe. For a technical look, header strength and to keep the center of gravity low, the 4C Spider features a unilateral carbon fiber windshield frame that is adhered and bolted to the monocoque chassis. In addition, a specially contoured aluminum rollbar (underneath the black or carbon fiber "halo") provides mounting points for the new rear decklid, while unique upper body brackets and a high-strength steel engine compartment cross beam maximize torsional rigidity.
Alfa Romeo engineers continued the use of state-of-the-art materials by creating the bodywork entirely of SMC (sheet molded compound), a low-density, high-strength composite material that is 20 percent lighter and dimensionally more rigid than steel. Engineers even optimized the Alfa Romeo 4C Spider's windshield and side windows by using 10 percent thinner glass to reduce weight by up to 15 percent.
Finally, two sport seats feature a carbon fiber and fiberglass reinforced-composite structure to deliver the strength and seating position needed for performance driving.

The heart and soul - the all-aluminum 1750 cc turbocharged engine with direct injection
The engine is the "beating heart" of any Alfa Romeo, and for the all-new 2015 4C Spider, it beats to an innovative, all-aluminum 1750 cc turbocharged and intercooled engine with dual (intake and exhaust) continuous variable-valve timing (VVT) that delivers 237 horsepower - or an impressive 136 horsepower per liter.
To ensure exceptional performance and drivability on the racetrack or city streets, the
1750 cc turbocharged engine features cutting-edge technologies. High pressure direct-injection (2,900 psi / 200 bar) with multi-hole fuel injectors provide a more even spray. To increase performance, while reducing oil consumption and emissions, the cylinder head inlet ducts have an optimized design, while cylinder liners are made from thin cast-iron. The addition of an electric thermostat helps the 1750 cc turbo engine reduce warm-up times and tailpipe emissions. Minimizing vibration at higher engine speeds, the engine's crankshaft features eight counter weights. Last, intake and exhaust systems are optimized for Alfa Romeo 4C Spider's mid-engine layout.
A new generation turbocharger features a pulse-converter exhaust manifold to exploit pressure waves and boost torque at low-engine speeds. A wastegate valve adjusts turbo pressure and improves the engine's efficiency. Advanced turbo technology enables the Alfa Romeo 4C Spider to maximize torque at low engine speeds and deliver more response to driver input by increasing combustion efficiency and turbine speed, all while eliminating turbo lag. As a result, torque delivery is instantaneous, with a peak of 258 lb.-ft. (350 N•m); 80 percent of which is available at only 1,700 rpm.

Three available exhaust systems, including an all-new Akrapovič dual-mode system
From the 4C Spider Concept to production, the all-new Alfa Romeo 4C Spider will offer its most hardcore motorsport enthusiasts an all-new Akrapovič dual-mode exhaust system with Alfa Romeo's signature resonant sound (late availability).
Developed in cooperation with the racing exhaust experts at Akrapovič, this beautifully crafted titanium system consists of two center-mounted tailpipes, computer-optimized asymmetrical mufflers with a dual-mode exhaust valve system and link pipe with resonator to eliminate in-cabin droning. For a technical look that emphasizes 4C Spider's lightweight design, a carbon fiber bezel surrounds the Akrapovič center-mounted exhaust tips.
Like the 4C Coupe, the Alfa Romeo 4C Spider will also offer the standard exhaust system and a racing exhaust system. Similar in design, the optional racing exhaust removes the muffler, and instead integrates a uniquely designed asymmetric Y-shape system after the catalyst. For added style, the racing exhaust system features integrated dual concentric exhaust tips.

Advanced technological solutions: Alfa TCT twin-clutch and Alfa DNA selector technologies further make the 4C Spider an extension of the driver
Teamed to the all-aluminum 1750 cc turbocharged engine is a paddle-shifting Alfa TCT (twin-clutch transmission) tuned specifically for the all-new Alfa Romeo 4C Spider. With its uniquely calibrated software that adjusts with the Alfa DNA selector system, the Alfa TCT's gearshifts are designed to become most aggressive in the Dynamic and Race modes. Further making this Alfa Romeo an extension of the driver are rev-matching paddle shifts and precise gear changes as quick as 130 milliseconds at full throttle.
For driving convenience in Dynamic, Natural or All-weather modes, the Alfa Romeo TCT gearbox can utilize an "auto" mode.
Instantaneously optimizing the Alfa Romeo 4C Spider's level of performance is the brand's innovative Alfa DNA selector. With four modes, including "Race" mode, the Alfa DNA selector can optimize the engine, transmission, Alfa Electronic Q2 differential and electronic stability control (ESC) calibrations to the levels needed by the driver. With a touch of the Alfa DNA selector, the driving dynamics of the Alfa Romeo 4C Spider can be changed to (in order of increasing capability):
  • All-weather - designed to ensure maximum control in adverse weather conditions and enables gentler accelerator input and special engine and brake control logic to match road speed and prevent skidding
  • Natural - enables grand touring comfort and smooth drivability for the Alfa TCT gearbox
  • Dynamic - enables improved driving performance via a more aggressive powertrain calibration and less intrusive ESC setting
  • Race - Available while in Dynamic mode, Race mode is the most extreme performance mode, putting the driver in total control of the car under race conditions. ESC and
    anti-slip regulation (ASR) are deactivated to allow the driver to control traction through the accelerator pedal. The Alfa Electronic Q2 differential control system remains active for fast exits out of corners or bends
    • In Race mode, launch control can be activated, allowing the Alfa Romeo 4C Spider to deliver 0-to-60 mph acceleration blasts as low as 4.1-seconds as soon as the driver releases the brake

Maximum road-holding suspension
The all-new Alfa Romeo 4C Spider adopts race-derived solutions to ensure maximum agility and road holding performance. The front suspension is comprised of a "superimposed" double wishbone configuration for direct and unfiltered feedback. At the rear, an advanced MacPherson suspension ensures superb road-holding attributes - even in the most extreme of maneuvers. Both front and rear suspensions are made from aluminum and high-strength steel. For the North American market, the Alfa Romeo 4C Spider is designed with stiffer springs, larger front- and rear-sway bars, and re-tuned shock absorbers.

Track Package
For maximum handling performance, the all-new Alfa Romeo 4C Spider is available with the Track Package. This package includes high-performance shock absorbers with larger front- and rear-sway bars, larger and staggered fitting 18 x 7-inch (front) 19 x 8.5-inch (rear) forged-aluminum wheels with available Pirelli P-Zero "AR Racing" tires, performance flat-bottom steering wheel with microfiber inserts, carbon fiber exterior mirrors and carbon fiber gauge cluster bezel, plus the availability of Black leather performance seats with microfiber inserts and Red or Yellow accent stitching.

Enthusiast-desired "manual" steering
In line with the Alfa Romeo 4C Spider's ultra-lightweight design and desire for maximum agility and road feel, the conventional power steering system is removed altogether. Through a manual steering system and 15.7:1 quick-ratio steering, the Alfa Romeo 4C Spider provides the driver with maximum feel-of-the-road. Furthermore, an appropriate steering-wheel load is maintained thanks to the low overall weight of the car.

Powerful stopping power - up to 1.25 g of braking deceleration
The Alfa Romeo 4C Spider's brake system is designed for track use, where decisive braking, even under the most intensive conditions, is required. To deliver maximum stopping power and 1.25 g of braking deceleration, this Alfa Romeo is equipped with four self-ventilating perforated discs and Brembo four-piston aluminum calipers at the front axle.

Excellence handcrafted in Modena, Italy
The Alfa Romeo 4C Spider combines two excellences - the racing and performance know how of Alfa Romeo engineering, plus the craftsmanship and manufacturing expertise of Maserati.
The very best technical and industrial expertise of the Alfa Romeo and Maserati brands were used to develop the 4C Coupe and all-new 4C Spider.  Teamwork between the two brands included the integration of the Alfa Romeo Centro Stile with the well-known craftsmanship of the Maserati brand's Modena workshop. In addition, the Alfa Romeo 4C Coupe and 4C Spider are boosted by the technological contributions of Italian suppliers, who are international leaders in manufacturing high-performance components.
This is a distinguishing trait of Alfa Romeo, a brand with a century of history that continues to be one of the most famous and popular ambassadors of Italian products around the world.

miercuri, 7 ianuarie 2015

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