După 10 ani în care alfiștii au cucerit, cu pasiunea lor pentru
constructorul italian, unele dintre cele mai frumoase orașe ale țării –
Sibiu, Brașov, Suceava, Sighișoara sau Tulcea -, anul acesta gazda
festivalului Alfa Fest 2016 a fost uimitorul Maramureș.
Cea de-a 11-a ediție s-a desfășurat în perioada 17-20 iunie la Vișeul
de Sus și a adunat posesori și pasionați de Alfa Romeo din toate
colțurile țării, dar și oaspeți din străinătate.
Aproximativ 50 de reprezentante ale mărcii, de la un Spider ce marca
sfârșitul anilor ’70 și până la unele dintre cele mai recente modele
Alfa Romeo, MiTo și Giulietta, au acceptat propunerea organizatorilor de
a duce tradiția mai departe.
Și pentru că vorbim de tradiție, iar „lemnul” și “apa” sunt două
cuvinte care definesc cel mai bine istoria și viața maramureșenilor,
participanții au fost invitați la o calatorie în timp, atât de specifică
Pentru o zi, alfiștii și-au lăsat mașinile în parcare și au pornit la
drum pe valea Vaserului, care traversează munții Maramureșului, în
mijlocul unuia dintre cele mai frumoase și mai salbatice peisaje din
România. O experiență frumoasă, cu bătrâna Mocănița, un tren cu aburi
construit după Primul Război Mondial, ce merge pe una dintre ultimele
șine de cale ferată pentru locomotivele cu aburi încă activă din Europa.
Articol integral pe => http://flawless.ro/alfafest-2016-maramuresul-gazduit-familia-alfaclub-cu-bratele-deschise/
Logo 1907
luni, 14 noiembrie 2016
luni, 31 octombrie 2016
Integrare / inregistrare aplicatie Android FT- Forum Talker + Club Lancia Romania
Dragi colegi Lancisti! Avand in vedere ca o integrare a forumului cu
grup Facebook este mai dificila (aproape imposibila), am descoperit o
aplicatie Android (banuiesc ca poate rula si pe IOS sau Win mobile)
denumita FT- Forum Talker https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.belous.v.forumtalker&hl=ro
Pentru a inregistra forumul Club Lancia (inclusiv multe alte forumuri) tastati la name "Club Lancia Romania" si la link "www.clublancia.ro/forum/" urmand apoi a selecta "Save" dupa care va puteti autentifica pe forum urmand urmatorii pasi:
- accesati cele trei "punctulete" de langa "guest" si selectati "authorization" unde va puteti autentifica cu user si parola.
To get started (It's so simple):
1. Enter the name of the forum.
2. Enter the Internet address of the home page of the forum.
3. Test to verify the type of engine.
4. Save and enjoy reading your favorite forum.
Aveti inclusiv setari ca:
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accesand Meniu "trei liniute" din stanga sus aflat langa icon FT.
Aceasta aplicatie este foarte utila pentru accesare si reply cat mai rapid a forumului Club Lancia Romania!
Pentru a inregistra forumul Club Lancia (inclusiv multe alte forumuri) tastati la name "Club Lancia Romania" si la link "www.clublancia.ro/forum/" urmand apoi a selecta "Save" dupa care va puteti autentifica pe forum urmand urmatorii pasi:
- accesati cele trei "punctulete" de langa "guest" si selectati "authorization" unde va puteti autentifica cu user si parola.
To get started (It's so simple):
1. Enter the name of the forum.
2. Enter the Internet address of the home page of the forum.
3. Test to verify the type of engine.
4. Save and enjoy reading your favorite forum.
Aveti inclusiv setari ca:
- light/dark theme
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accesand Meniu "trei liniute" din stanga sus aflat langa icon FT.
Aceasta aplicatie este foarte utila pentru accesare si reply cat mai rapid a forumului Club Lancia Romania!
club auto,
forum auto,
FT- Forum Talker,
luni, 24 octombrie 2016
Intalnirea nationala CLUB LANCIA Romania 2016 - Sighisoara - poze / filme
Si uite ca s-a terminat a doua Intalnire nationala CLUB LANCIA Romania !
5 clipuri video => https://www.facebook.com/clublanciaro/posts/1189052691142358
17 poze - https://www.facebook.com/clublanciaro/posts/1187798117934482
10 poze - https://www.facebook.com/clublanciaro/posts/1189022251145402
30 poze - https://www.facebook.com/clublanciaro/posts/1189021727812121
Restul de materiale, le puteti urmari pe forum / facebook, puse in zilele urmatoare, la adresele :
Sa ne vedem cu bine si anul viitor !!!
club auto,
forum auto,
intalnire nationala,
joi, 22 septembrie 2016
Intalnirea Nationala Club Lancia Romania 2016
Intalnirea Nationala Club Lancia Romania 2016:
In perioada 21-23 octombrie 2016 are loc Intalnirea Nationala Club Lancia Romania in localitatea Sighisoara, jud Mures!
In perioada 21-23 octombrie 2016 are loc Intalnirea Nationala Club Lancia Romania in localitatea Sighisoara, jud Mures!
Cazarea va fi asigurata de Pensiunea Bella Vista:
"Situata la nici 2 km de centrul orasului, spre NE, pensiunea va ofera cazare in 10 camere spatioase,
dotate modern, spatii special amenajate pentru relaxare, fitness si
divertisment [...] Se poate ajunge la noi cu orice autovehicul, ce poate
ramane in parcarea supravegheata a pensiunii!"
Pensiunea Bella Vista Sighisoara ofera camera dubla la un pret de 110 lei/ noapte si camera tripla la pretul de 140 lei/noapte! Suntem nevoiti sa achitam un avans de 50% pana pe data de 7 oct 2016 pentru data de 21-22 oct 2016 (o
noapte)! Pentru cei ce detin tichete de vacanta de la Edenred, se poate
achita la receptie fara probleme (pensiunea accepta plata cu tichete de
vacanta)! Intalnirea Club Lancia va avea loc intre 21-23 oct 2016!
Pentru detalii si plata avansului pentru 21-22 oct, puteti lua legatura
cu mine la numarul de telefon 0769537161 (valabil si pe Whattsapp)!
Alte amanunte pe forum:
club auto,
forum auto,
duminică, 18 septembrie 2016
110th Anniversary. We need you
Caro Lancista,
as you well know 29 November 2016 marks the milestone of the 110th Lancia anniversary. A sad anniversary given the recent decisions of the FCA group, which in fact, sealed the destiny of one of most charismatic brand in the world.
Today Lancia survives thanks to a limited range, basically just one model, represented by the citycar Ypsilon; car that most likely will not even be guaranteed by a new generation model.
In this difficult context there has been the positive reaction of many fans gathered together on the web creating a network of profiles identified in the #SaveLancia project. Thousands of people that in recent years have been able to break the chains of silence that has covered the unfortunate decision to erase a well-known and appreciated brand as Lancia used to be.
There has certainly been no lack of consensus, as well as the appreciation of international websites, but now we need to do more, in order to translate our mutual interest into something more cogent because a passion cannot be wished away in this way.
Because of this we’re talking about, the importance of the historical memory of an industry that has been able to surprise with quality products and cutting-edge technology.
Of that memory, now, FCA just wants to get rid of it: too cumbersome and problematic to manage, better to be silent and carry on with the oblivion.
In this emptiness, we are trying hard to ensure a continuing focus on the future of the italian carmaker, only moved by the passion for the story we decided not to take down the blue flag with white logo and the word Lancia.
For the anniversary of 110 years together we would like, and we invite everyone to help us, given the delicacy of the situation, offering your support for an initiative that we care: a digital book that will be distributed free through the web (sites or social networks that have supported the initiative).
This celebratory occasion should even be useful to test the commitment and participation of us “lancisti” in an attempt to prove that this story should not be erased but rather preserved and relaunched.
What do we need?
The book will follow in a narrative text-picture 110 years of Lancia thanks to pictures (even ones you like vintage). These photos must be taken showing your Lancia model (even with people present, if desired) be accompanied by short thoughts on what the brand represents for the author, or anecdotes and special facts related to your Lancia.
We would love to receive stories and tales linked to the Lancia world you can put in the book: memories of former workers, dealers or simply enthusiasts. A way as any to leave imprinted those moments and not disperse them forever.
We know how Lancia has inspired designers, and creative, in concept development and in our book we would like to give space to their creations to show how that source of inspiration still continues to thrill despite the forced oblivion.
Many lancisti have a real cult for the brand. Do you have a photo to prove it? Send it with a brief description.
Schedule and info
Articles, photos and texts should be sent by 31 October at web@savelancia.it We ask you to respect that date to allow the editing of the book. For information and clarification, please contact us or visit our website savelancia.it.
We believe this initiative is fundamental to really test our passion and commitment, to show with pride that Lancia is still able to exercise the appeal and international recognition.
We trust in your support so that our common passion wouldn’t be dispersed beyond measure: together, united, we can make the difference, let’s get to the test.
Happy 110 th Anniversary to Lancia and to all of you.
duminică, 28 august 2016
FCA in support of Italy’s earthquake-hit territories
FCA Bank and Leasys give concrete expression of their solidarity and
their closeness to the communities affected by the earthquakes which
have hit Central Italy.
In order to provide support
for people who have been struck by this disaster, FCA is participating
in fund-raising activities carried out by the Italian Red Cross, which
is in the front line of emergency assistance operations. The FCA Group
is committed to integrating the sums of money donated by its employees
to this humanitarian initiative.
As well as this, the Group
is making a fleet of vehicles available to institutions involved in
emergency operations in the areas affected. These consist of commercial
vehicles vital for logistical and operative needs.
Among the numerous company
initiatives launched is the suspension of payment of instalments and
fees for contract financing, leasing and hire signed by inhabitants of
the areas hit by the earthquakes. On top of this, FCA and FCA Bank are
making available a solidarity programme for those in the area whose cars
or vehicles have been damaged or destroyed, offering those who wish to
purchase a new Group vehicle zero-advance contracts with zero interest
for five years, in addition to all other promotional offers.
And finally, Mopar, the FCA brand for services, Customer Care, original spare parts and accessories for FCA brands, offers all residents of the affected areas a reduction on spare parts used to repair vehicles damaged by the earthquakes, up to a cost of €1500.
These company initiatives
confirm its commitment, in terms of humanitarian, technical and economic
aid to the population struck by this tragedy.
Call the Group's toll-free "green" telephone numbers in order to contact the call center in order to obtain further information.
Call the Group's toll-free "green" telephone numbers in order to contact the call center in order to obtain further information.
Turin, 27 August 2016
sâmbătă, 11 iunie 2016
Lasciati guidare dalle offerte del mondo Lancia. Scopri le novità. Newsletter giugno 2016
duminică, 5 iunie 2016
RSS AUTOMOBILE - service auto , magazin piese auto IASI
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Astazi, ne mandrim cu un service autorizat de R.A.R., pentru marcile VW, AUDI, SEAT, SKODA, DAEWOO, RENAULT, DACIA, FORD si OPEL., lista ce va fi completata cat de curand cu marcile MERCEDES, FIAT si BMW.
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Pentru lucrarile de mica si medie amploare, avem întotdeauna un post de lucru liber. Schimbul de placute, al uleiului si filtrelor, tobelor, elementelor de directie, amortizoarelor, se poate efectua pe loc.
Rapiditatea lucrarilor este asigurata de stocul mare de piese disponibil in magazinele noastre, iar piesele ce nu se afla in stoc se livreaza intr-un timp foarte scurt.
Service rapid, fara programare, 6 zile din 7.
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O noutate in gama serviciilor RSS, asistenta rutiera, ce vine in ajutorul clientilor ce nu se pot deplasa la sediul firmei noastre.
Serviciul include, dupa caz, asistenta mecanica la fata locului, diagnoza computerizata portabila, transportul gratuit al ocupantilor autoturismului pana la service si tractarea autoturismului, daca sunt necesare reparatii suplimentare sau reparatia nu se poate efectua pe loc.
Alfa Romeo,
service auto,
joi, 5 mai 2016
FCA takes part in the 100th edition of the legendary "Targa Florio"
Fiat, Alfa Romeo and Abarth brands will take part in the prestigious
100th edition of the great Sicilian classic. Alfa Romeo and Abarth are
main sponsors of "Targa Florio", proof of the special attention FCA pays
to the world of historic cars and the events that enhance the sports
tradition of its brands.
100th edition of the legendary "Targa Florio", the oldest car race in
the world, will be held in Sicily 5-8 May. It was originally
commissioned, funded and organised by the Palermo magnate Vincenzo
Florio for the purpose of establishing a "practical and precise
criterion for assessing the travelling car". The race has been competed
in various forms ever since 1906. Organised by AC Palermo in
collaboration with the Automobile Club of Italy, it is four events
rolled up in one: Targa Florio Rally, Targa Florio Historic Rally, Targa
Florio Classic and Targa Florio Historic Speed.
Alfa Romeo
Alfa Romeo has
written some of the most beautiful chapters of its sports history at the
Targa Florio by taking 10 absolute victories, 3 second places, 7 third
places and 10 fastest laps. This extraordinary prize record has been
enriched with two records: that of consecutive victories (6 wins from
1930 to 1935) and that of doubles, with five in all. Added to these are
the many class wins, with the Giulia GTA, Giulietta SZ, Giulia TZ and
Alfa Romeo brand is taking part in the Targa Florio Classic, the
historic regularity competition that will pass by characteristic places
in Sicily tied to the famous race, with two gorgeous models coming from
the Alfa Romeo Historic Museum in Arese called "La macchina del tempo".
The 1960 Giulietta SZ (4 cylinders in line, 1290 cc, 100 HP) is a model
belonging to the second series and is distinguished by its so-called
"cut-off tail" (or Kamm tail) that, along with its aerodynamic
efficiency, easily takes it up to the speed of 200 km/h. The 1963 Giulia
Sprint Speciale (4 cylinders in line, 1570 cc, 112 HP) is the
technological evolution of the Giulietta SS, a coupé featuring sinuous
and personal lines that was designed by Scaglione. The Giulia Sprint
Speciale also has an aerodynamic line taken from the aircraft of the day
and developed with direct observation of the flows using wool threads
applied on the bodywork of a car launched at full speed on the
Turin-Milan motorway.
four historic cars contending in the Targa Florio Historic Speed race
also come from the Alfa Romeo official collection. This is the dynamic
catwalk down which the drivers and cars that made the Sicilian "cursa"
great paraded, from the stands of Floriopoli to Cerda. The Alfa Romeo 6C
1500 Super Sport of 1928 (6 cylinders in line, compressor, 1487 cc, 76
HP) is the first model of the long-lived six-cylinder dynasty of the
"Jano" era to win Alfa's first of 11 successes at the Mille Miglia with
Giuseppe Campari and to place, with the same driver, absolute second and
first of class at the 1928 Targa Florio. The Alfa Romeo 33/2 "Daytona"
of 1968 (V8, 1995 cc, 270 HP) is a two-litre sports racing prototype
that stole the scene at the endurance races and time trials of the day,
and that clinched the class victory at the 1968 Targa Florio. The 1975
Alfa Romeo 33 TT 12 (12-cylinder boxer engine, 2995 cc, 500 HP) won the
World Championship for Makes in 1975 and also won the Targa Florio
during that magical season with Merzario (the best interpreter of the 33
TT 12) and Vaccarella (a "Targa" icon). The three cars will be driven
respectively by Jochen Mass, Andrea De Adamich and Arturo Merzario,
three "great glories" of international sports motor racing, who have
attained many of their most important successes with Alfa Romeo cars.
Completing the line-up at the Targa Florio Historic Speed competition is
the Alfa Romeo 750 Competizione of 1955 (4 cylinders in line, 1488 cc,
145 HP), a racing spider made in only one complete unit. Its engine came
from the Giulietta and its lines were designed by Boano.
A final great
sports car coming from the Alfa Romeo Historic Museum will stand in the
spotlight at the gala dinner of the event, scheduled for the evening of 5
May at Villa Chiaramonte Bordonaro. It is the RL TF of 1923, the
legendary car with which Ugo Sivocci won the first of 10 Alfa Romeo
victories at the Targa Florio. It was a thrilling race: at the wheel of a
RL model, which was renamed "RL TF" precisely in honour of this
victory, Sivocci covered the 432 km of the Madonìe Circuit (4 laps, 108
km each) at the average speed of 59.04 km/h, which was an amazing speed
for the time, above all considering the dangers and hardships of the
route. As a sign of good omen, the sides of this car had been decorated
with a green four-leaf clover before the race, and this was the
beginning of the history of a legendary symbol for Alfa Romeo. A history
that over 90 years later still continues today with the new Giulia
Quadrifoglio, which depicts the new Alfa Romeo paradigm and that will be exhibited next to the RL TF.
Several prestigious
locations in Palermo will also host dedicated areas exhibiting the
latest Alfa Romeo models during the days of the Targa Florio. They range
from the captivating Giulia Quadrifoglio to the new Giulietta and Mito,
the two recently updated models that display a marked family feeling
with the Giulia, as seen in the new front that flaunts a brand-new grill
and the legendary trefoil, perhaps the most famous and recognisable
signature in the automotive world. Even the lettering of the names “Giulietta” and “Mito” also winks to that of the Giulia, with both cars sporting the refreshed logo of the Alfa Romeo brand.
Abarth is also
participating in the prestigious 100th edition as a Main Sponsor. It
boasts a splendid tradition of successes at the Targa Florio speed
competition, including the many class wins achieved with the 1000 SPs -
nimble sport cars that have always found themselves at ease on the
Madonìe roads - and with the 124 Rally vehicles in the latest editions
of the '70s.
Ever since Targa
Florio was transformed from a speed race to a rally, Abarth has taken a
number of absolute wins: two with the Abarth 131 Rally, in 1979 with
Adartico Vudafieri and in 1980 with Mario Pasetti; two with the Fiat
Punto Super 1600, in 2003 and 2004, again driven by Paolo Andreucci, who
also won in 2006 with the Abarth Grande Punto S2000. The same model was
first to pass the finish line in 2009 with Luca Rossetti at the wheel.
The first nine absolute first places are also attributable to Abarth's
work. Altogether, they were won by Lancia Rally, Lancia Delta S4 and
Integrale, cars developed by Abarth engineers.
In line with its
historical identity, Abarth will mark its presence at the Targa Florio
above all in the Rally, which counts toward the Italian Rally
Championship, and in the Historic Rally, valid for the Italian Historic
Car Rally Championship. The races will be opened by three new cars of
the Scorpion brand: Abarth 124, Abarth 595 Competizione and Abarth 695
Biposto.Moreover, an extraordinary Fiat 124 Abarth Rally Gr. 4
(1975) belonging to the company's historic collection will participate
in the start and in the night-time performance trial on Friday, 6 May in
the role of "forerunner of honour". It will be driven for the occasion
by the Verini/Rossetti team, the same that led it to victory in the 1975
European Rally Championship. The Fiat 124 Abarth Rally Gr. 4 will also
take part in the Targa Florio Historic Speed on Sunday, 8 May.
the occasion of the event, the public will be able to receive
information on the Abarth Classiche project, register in "The
Scorpionship" community and admire the new Abarth 124 spider in piazza
Verdi. In particular, designed to satisfy even the tastes of the most
difficult-to-please drivers, the new Abarth model is fitted out with
rear-wheel drive, sophisticated suspension and a four-cylinder 1.4
MultiAir Turbo engine with 170 HP, paired with a six-speed manual or
six-speed automatic Sequenziale Sportivo gearbox with steering-wheel
paddle shifters. The first 2,500 units of the exclusive, limited edition
model made by Officine Abarth can be ordered at a price of 40,000 Euro
across Europe. The car will be available in dealerships starting from
September. The new Abarth 124 spider can also be purchased with the FCA
Bank solution by paying 300-Euro monthly instalments.
First launched last
November at the Officine Abarth in Mirafiori in Turin, the Abarth
Classiche project is organised on various levels, from the restoration
atelier to the Abarth Register which coordinates shows, events, rallies
and competitions. As expected, the programme has been a great success,
with numerous certifications already carried out and a long waiting list
of bookings. The coherence between current models and those which set
so many motoring records is one of the secrets of the brand's commercial
success. More information is available on the brand-new website: http://www.abarthclassiche.com.
As for digital resources, “The Scorpionship”,
the only Abarth official community dedicated to owners, collectors,
Abarth club members and fans, opened on March 1. Anyone can register by
filling out the form on the http://scorpionship.abarth.com website. “The Scorpionship” members
will have access to plenty of exciting advantages, promotions and
racing opportunities as well as exclusive invites to meetings for fans.
the Abarth 124 spider Rally will be on display at the rally's Park
Fermè in Campofelice di Roccella. The experience of the Abarth Racing
Team paved the way for this concentrate of pure energy and performance
in order to bring the Scorpion back onto the most glorious and demanding
rally courses. Forty years after its last official race, the 1976 Monte
Carlo Rally, the Abarth 124 Rally is back with the same philosophy: to
test road cars' technical solutions under extreme conditions and to
guarantee all Abarth customers excellent performance and maximum
reliability. Its bonnet conceals the direct injection 1800 cm3 twin
cam turbo engine that, thanks to the different selectable mappings,
provides power up to 300 HP at 6500 rpm and an optimum torque curve, a
key element to allow the driver steering and acceleration balance in
drifting. Performance is breathtaking; acceleration is scorching and
marked with full, riveting sound. The project was developed to ensure
reliability and performance also in the extreme conditions typical of
rallies: ice, dirt, dust, water, heat. Even the transmission was
designed to enhance performance: the engine is coupled to a rapid
6-speed sequential gearbox with shift paddles and traction is assured by
the mechanical self-locking differential.
The Fiat brand completes the FCA team at this prestigious commemoration event, and will arrive with a 124
Sport Spider (1970) racing in the Targa Florio Classic. Launched in
1966, this evolution of the Fiat 124 saloon in the Spider version was a
sports car that everyone fell in love with at first sight, also because
of its successful design by Pininfarina, and it achieved important class
placings at the late '60s editions of the "cursa". The 124 Spider is
fitted with a five-speed manual gearbox, a 1438 cm3 twin
camshaft engine and disc brakes on all four wheels. Americans were mad
about the proportions and noticeably Italian style of the Fiat 124
Spider, as well as its waterproof soft top that could be lowered
directly from the driver's seat very quickly and simply. Over 200,000
units were produced between 1966 and 1985, and more than three-quarters
of them crossed the Atlantic.
Also joining its memorable "ancestor" is the new Fiat 124 Spider, whose advanced style houses the classic beauty of the historic car without betraying its essence. A tribute to the iconic car whose name it carries, the new Fiat 124 Spider follows the tradition of its famous ancestor and brings its classic styling and performance to a new generation. The new Fiat Spider is equipped with the reliable 1.4-litre turbo four-cylinder engine with MultiAir technology, which delivers 140 HP and 240 Nm of torque, and is available with a six-speed manual transmission.
two new Doblòs of the Fiat Professional brand are making their débuts
at the Targa Florio in the mobile workshop version. They are
accompanying the FCA Heritage collection cars during events in various
countries. This quality support will be offered to the new structure
throughout 2016. It was set up with the job of coordinating all of the
company's actions in the world of historic motor racing. The term
'Heritage' was selected precisely because of its dual meaning of
"heritage" and "inheritance", as it symbolises the value of a history
that is not only an asset of the company, but is also a historic and
cultural keepsake of the entire country.
Turin, 4 May 2016
joi, 21 aprilie 2016
Jeep® Renegade and Jeep Wrangler are “Cars of the Year” according to Auto Bild allrad
- Jeep® Renegade named best "Off-road vehicle and SUV up to €30,000"
- Jeep Wrangler is the winner in the category "Off-road vehicles and SUVs from €30,000 - €50,000"
- Second top placing in a row for the Renegade since 2015
For the second consecutive year, the expert readers of the German SUV and 4×4 specialist magazine "Auto Bild allrad" selected the Jeep® Renegade as their favourite car in the import class of "Off-road vehicles and SUVs up to €30,000". A very important recognition that demostrates that the first Jeep compact SUV, and latest addition to the Jeep family, comes immediately to mind of the German reader.
The Auto Bild allrad readers also chose Jeep Wrangler, the icon of the number one SUV brand, as the winner in the import class of the "Off-road vehicles and SUVs from €30,000 - €50,000" category.
Auto Bild allrad is one of the leading magazines for 4x4 enthusiasts on and off the road in Europe. First published in 2002, it has a monthly circulation of almost 70,000 copies and 260,000 readers.
In addition to the two prestigous awards, the Auto Bild allrad readers awarded both the Wrangler and the Renegade the second place in the respective overall classes incuding all German national brands, further confirming the strong appreciation of the German public for the Jeep icon and its top selling model.
A total of 170 models split into 10 categories participated in the contest. The readers' vote proved that both the Jeep Renegade and the Jeep Wrangler can boast unsurpassed on and off road performance.
Jeep Renegade was introduced in September 2014 throughout the EMEA region (Europe, Middle East, Africa) where it is available with a full-range comprising four different trim levels - Sport, Longitude, Limited and Trailhawk - and a choice of efficient turbo diesel and petrol engines combined with four-wheel drive or front wheel-drive configurations.
Jeep Renegade is the top-selling model of the Jeep range and the main driver of Jeep commercial success in the region. Its record-setting pace is confirmed in the first quarter of 2016 where, with 19,159 units sold in Europe, Renegade recorded a 51.25% growth compared with the same period in 2015. Through March, Renegade also achieved its best ever quarter in Europe as well as in several markets such as Italy, the UK, France, Spain and Austria.
The list of awards gained by the Jeep compact SUV in EMEA since its launch includes:
"New Car of the Year 2015" |
- Quattroruote (Italy); |
"Best SUV of the Year 2015" |
- Coches.net (Spain); |
"Car of the Year 2016" |
- Autoesporte (Brazil); |
"4x4 of the Year 2015" |
- 4x4 Magazine (France); |
"SUV of the Year 2015" |
- 4x4 Tout-Terrain Magazine (France); |
"Car of the Year 2016" awarded by a panel of specialist journalists in Greece; |
"Best Buy Award 2016" in the Subcompact-SUV category for US Consumer Guide Automotive Best Buy; |
"4x4 of the Year 2016" |
- 4x4 Magazine (UK); |
"Car of the Year" and "SUV of the Year" |
- Motor24 (Estonia); |
"Best Crossover Basta!" |
- BilMagasinet (Denmark); |
"Offroad Vehicle of the Year 2015" category subcompact SUV |
- OFF ROAD (Germany) |
Turin, 20th April 2016
miercuri, 13 aprilie 2016
Nasce Ypsilon Mya. Lancia si veste di fascino e novità
The Successful Partnership Between the Jeep® and Harley-Davidson® Brands Continues in 2016
- The two brands will be joining forces for the third consecutive year.
- The entire line-up of the most awarded SUV range ever available for test drives.
- The official HOG and JOG clubs' members to be Ambassadors and stars of the events.
- The EMEA tour activities can be followed on all Jeep social channels.
For the third year running, the Jeep® brand will be the official partner of Harley-Davidson®
and will attend the main events organized by the legendary motorcycling
brand in the EMEA region. The prestigious collaboration is based on the
authentic shared values of passion, freedom and team spirit.
The partnership between the two American icons has been renewed for 2016 in the wake of the success of the past two editions, which attracted more than 600,000 participants in 2014 and over one million in 2015. From end April to September, the program is packed and consists of 13 events in eight European countries (e.g. France, Germany, Netherlands , Austria, UK, Italy, Slovenia and the Czech Republic) plus one event in South Africa. The first gathering will be at the Euro Festival, from April 28th to May 1st, on the Gulf of Saint-Tropez at the same time as the event in South Africa.
The Harley Village, set up for each event, will host the Jeep stand where the public will be able to discover and test drive the full Jeep SUV line-up beside a selection of Jeep showcars customized with exclusive Mopar accessories.
The JOG (Jeep Owners Group) and the HOG (Harley Owners Group) will be stars of the various European gatherings. Launched in August 2014, JOG is 'the one and only' official fan club run centrally by the Jeep brand, and it is active in 24 countries across the EMEA region with 64,000 members. HOG was born in 1983, and it counts a total of 116,000 members in the EMEA region.
The two official clubs gather owners and enthusiasts who share common values: the pride of driving an icon, the longing for freedom and the desire for adventure. But affinities do not end there. The members of both clubs share the passion for travel and adventure, and transfer their own personalities to the vehicles they drive, in terms of loyalty and customization. Not by chance, Jeep drivers and Harley-Davidson riders feel that they belong to a great community.
Follow Jeep EMEA news and video on:
Brand blog: www.jeep-people.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/JeepOlllllllOpeople
Instagram: www.instagram.com/jeeppeople/
Twitter: www.twitter.com/Jeep_People
YouTube: www.youtube.com/JeepOlllllllOPeople
Turin, 11 April 2016
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