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marți, 9 decembrie 2014

Tutte le Auto dei Presidenti - Lancia models

Maserati Quattroporte III - 1983 bis 1985

Ich stand auf der Classic Expo 2014 in Salzburg vor dem Stand von Gilena und studierte das ca. 15 m lange Angebot des renommierten italienischen Buchhändlers. Fokus auf Lancia, weil es in Italien Literatur gibt, die kaum ins Ausland kommt. Nichts gefunden, was ich nicht schon in meiner Bibliothek habe.*) Aber halt! Ganz oben auf der Galerie ein Buch mit einer Flaminia auf dem Titelbild und dem gelben Hinweiszettel in perfektem Italienisch: NEW!


24 x 33 cm groß, eine Flaminia vor einem Palast mit italienischer Fahne, Standarten an den vorderen Kotflügel – muss wohl die „Presidenziale“ sein, von der man in der Literatur nur unscharfe s/w-Fotos findet. Das schwere Buch von der Galerie gestemmt, kurz hineingeschaut und sofort gekauft:
Diese kurze Buchbesprechung ist bewusst in der Rubrik Motoring Art platziert, weil Thema und Aufmachung über reine Technik hinausgehen. Der Autor Antonio Romano hat mit/für das “Segretariato Generale della Presidenza della Repubblica” und dessen Archivo Storicho einen Prachtband gestaltet, der auf 364 Seiten die Präsidentenfahrzeuge der Republik Italien nach dem 2. Weltkrieg präsentiert. Hiefür nutze er die Dokumente und Fotos aus vielen italienischen Archiven: der Präsidentenkanzlei, der Deputiertenkammer, des Senats, des Automobilmuseums Turin, Pininfarina und viele Privatsammlungen. Richtig, von Lancia ist (natürlich) nichts dabei. Obwohl Lancia mit der Flaminia 1957 bis zum Thema 2012 zehn der Präsidentenlimousinen stellte.

Lancia Thema 3.0 V6 - 1993 bis 1999

Nach den Vorworten der leitenden Herren der Präsidentenkanzlei, des Archivs und des Museums Turin werden die Anforderungen an eine Präsidentenlimousine, Garage und Werkstätte gezeigt. In chronologischer Reihenfolge werden mit großen, ganzseitigen Fotos – ab 1957 in Farbe – die Fahrzeuge im Detail (Innenraum) und im Einsatz bei offiziellen Anlässen gezeigt. Fast alle Limousinen wurden für die Dokumentation im Hof des Quirinalpalastes aufgestellt und  auch in Einzelfotos vor dem imposanten Hintergrund fotografiert.
Der „Kampf“ um die Präsidentenlimousine war zu Beginn etwas bunter, weil es noch mehrere italienische Hersteller gab, bis schließlich FIAT „Mutter“ aller möglichen Hersteller wurde und die Produktportfolios der Töchter kaum noch Alternativen boten. Kurz noch die Liste der Marken und Typen:
1946 – Fiat 2800 Torpedo – 1957 Lancia Flaminia – 1961 Lancia Flaminia 335 – 1971 Fiat 130 – 1975 Alfa Romeo 2000 Berlina – 1980 Alfa Romeo Alfa 6 – 1983 Maserati Quattrporte III – 1985 Lancia Thema – 1987 Lancia Thema 8.32 – 1989 Lancia Thema 2.8 V6 Limousine – 1991 Alfa Romeo 164 – 1993 Lancia Thema 3.0 V6 Limousine – 1999 Lancia K Limousine – 2003 Lancia Thesis Limousine – 2004 Lancia Thesis – 2004 Maserati Quattroporte – 2012 Lancia Thema („Chrysler“).


Lancia Thema - ab 2012

Das große Format des Buches erlaubt kein schnödes Scannen der Fotos, bestenfalls Ausschnitte sind möglich. Das Buch erhalten Sie im qualifizierten Buchhandel, derzeit sicher bei Gilena – www.gilena.it um 45,00 € + Versandspesen. Oder direkt beim Verlag www.gangemieditore.it
Antonio Romano, Tutte le Auto dei Presidenti, Gangemi Editore, Rom, 2014, ISBN: 978-88-492-2626-3

E. Marquart / 11.2014

Lancia Flaminia 335 - 1961 bis 1971

*) Natürlich habe ich nicht die komplette Lancia-Literatur in meiner Bibliothek, sondern nur unvollständig die ab 1995 verfügbare über die Fahrzeuge der 1960er- und 1970er-Jahre.



miercuri, 3 decembrie 2014

Lancia and OffiCine award the winners of “Ypsilon My Stories”


Lancia in support of young talents once again: two outstanding film-makers who took part in the film-making project launched by the Lancia Brand in conjunction with OffiCine - a project by Anteo and the European Design Institute - were awarded yesterday in Milan. They were picked among ten competing short films starring the Lancia Ypsilon, the fashion city car that guarantees extensive customisation, sophisticated equipment and distinctive style. After the awards ceremony, an informal get-together was held on the bond between the car world and the movie world.

The awards ceremony for the "Ypsilon My Stories" film-making competition, the initiative resulting from the collaboration between the Lancia brand and OffiCine, the film training and experimental workshop founded in Milan by Anteo spazioCinema and the European Design Institute, took place yesterday in Milan.
The event was hosted at the charming Fonderia Napoleonica Eugenia, formerly a prestigious bronze foundry and now a place of work, art and culture used as a venue for exhibitions, events and cultural initiatives.

The winners of the "Ypsilon My Stories" project are the Spaniard Daniel Pedrosa with his film "Microtheatre" and the Italian Iacopo Di Girolamo with his work entitled "An Expat in Bruxelles". The first was awarded a Lancia Ypsilon on free loan for 3 months, while the second received a shield by the Lancia brand. Specifically, the work by the Spanish film-maker was selected by the technical jury who included, among others, the director Silvio Soldini - who this year won the Silver Ribbon award for best documentary with his docu-film "Per altri occhi" (for other eyes) - and the director of photography Luca Bigazzi, who has won both the David di Donatello award and the Silver Ribbon award on several occasions and who has worked with Oscar award-winning directors the likes of Paolo Sorrentino, Mario Martone, Gianni Amelio and Silvio Soldini. The video entitled "An Expat in Bruxelles" by Jacopo Di Girolamo was instead selected by the popular jury who expressed their opinion by an on-line vote on the dedicated website between 17th September and 16th October.

After the awards ceremony, an informal get-together was held, moderated by Giovanni Ottonello, Art Director of the European Design Institute (IED), involving the participation of Antonella Bruno, Head of EMEA Lancia Brand, Cristina Marchetti, Workshop Management, the director Silvio Soldini, the director of photography Luca Bigazzi and the director Paolo Borraccetti.

With the "Ypsilon My Stories" project, the Lancia brand confirms its focus on the world of Art and Design, a communication "territory" in which it has proved to be at ease. This is extensively testified by LanciaTrendVisions.com, the scouting website which since 2010 provides visibility to emerging creative talents; indeed, on the one hand, it offers a daily selection of new works by young talents, and on the other it hosts editorials and interviews with established and emerging creative minds, in an active and engaging dialogue.

Indeed, the Lancia TrendVisions web magazine selected the work entitled "Il Giardino delle Rose" (the Garden of Roses) by the young designer Rita Valente exhibited at the 21st edition of "Artissima", an International Contemporary Art Exhibition which saw Lancia participating as Partner for the first time ever. The star of the work is the new Ypsilon Elle, the special series which was only launched a few weeks ago.

For the "Ypsilon My Stories" project, Lancia and OffiCine have selected ten outstanding film-makers from various European countries. The desired qualities? Proven experience in the field, a great deal of curiosity and the ability to express the contemporary world, the city and the Ypsilon with a personal approach.

After an individual interview and a Masterclass in Milan, the chosen directors were set the task of lending creative interpretation to the unique relationship that connects the Ypsilon and urban space. The result is ten highly diverse short films, ten stories in which to discover the unseen faces of the European metropolises and the tales of the people who bring them to life. The Ypsilon is the star with its unique style, its sustainability and the equipment of a higher category like the magic parking.

The ten films were available on the dedicated website, where users who registered between 17th September and 16th October were able to vote for them.  What's more, the winner of a trip for two to one of the wonderful destinations illustrated in the short films was picked out among all the voters: the cities were Vienna, Berlin, Lisbon, Paris, Marseilles, Brussels, London, Milan, Rome or Madrid. What's more, for the entire duration of the contest, Lancia put an instant win €100 Amazon voucher up for grabs every day.

It should also be noted that the OffiCine Workshop boasts names the likes of Paolo Sorrentino and Pierfrancesco Favino, Silvio Soldini, Piera Detassis and Paolo Mereghetti as members of its scientific committee. It is therefore a prestigious concern which   offers multidisciplinary teaching programmes in film- and video-making and organises cultural initiatives, with the aim of bringing a wide and multifarious audience to the world of the cinema.

The chosen location of the awards ceremony is truly special: the charming Fonderia Napoleonica Eugenia. Its history is tied closely to that of the Isola neighbourhood and to the Santa Maria alla Fontana sanctuary. With Napoleon's arrival, it was decided that some of the amenities would be intended to build a bronze foundry, which was entrusted to the Manfredini brothers, who were expert founders and goldsmiths, called back from Paris for the occasion.

The artistic activities of the Fonderia stand out for the significant casting of monuments to Alessandro Manzoni and to Luciano Manara, which are situated in Piazza San Fedele and in the Public Gardens in Milan respectively. In 1896 the foundry completed the casting - which entailed major technical expertise - of the equestrian statue for the monument to Vittorio Emanuele II in Piazza Duomo in Milan, the work of sculptor Ercole Rosa. In the decades that followed, the artistic castings continued, with the creation of countless works of art, intended for both Italy and abroad.

The complex and articulated story of the foundry ended in 1975, the year in which it closed down.
Now the facilities have been turned into a place of work, art and culture used as a venue for exhibitions, events and cultural initiatives.

Turin, 2 December 2014

joi, 27 noiembrie 2014

The new Lancia Delta Integrale 2015 ???


Nieuwe Lancia Delta Integrale in 2015?

Komt de Lancia Delta binnenkort terug zoals ie ooit was? Volgens een zeer opmerkelijk geluid uit Italië is dit wel degelijk het geval en wel eind 2015. Lange tijd stond deze datum inderdaad in de agenda van Sergio Marchionne, zelf bezitter van een klassieke HF Integrale. Als opvolger voor de veel ruimere hatchback uit 2008, stond tot vorig jaar een variant op de planning op het Compact US Wide platform dat ook voor de Dodge Dart en de Chrysler 200 is gebruikt. Maar omdat vervolgens is besloten om het oude merk (dat volledig afhankelijk is van de Europese markt) op een zeer laag pitje te zetten, verwacht niemand meer dat dit project nog in leven is. Dat terwijl Marchionne wel degelijk ooit heeft bevestigd dat het project waar tevens ook een hatchback voor Chrysler uit voort zal vloeien (de 100), in een vergevorderd stadium is en alleen wacht op groen licht.

De dichte mist die rond Lancia in korte tijd is opgetrokken heeft waarschijnlijk alles te maken met het feit dat FCA Lancia om tactische redenen eerst vooral heeft willen laten terugtrekken van het internationale toneel. Lancia kan volgens Marchionne met de huidige middelen nooit rendabel worden gemaakt op Europees niveau zonder enorme verliezen te lijden. Naast de financiële beperkingen is er ook nog het probleem van de status van grote onbekende onder het publiek boven de Alpen. En hoe kun je een merk dan beter laten ‘verdwijnen’ dan door te stellen dat er voortaan alleen nog een kleine vijfdeurs stadsauto in de handel zal blijven op het schiereiland. Dat men Lancia niet wil laten doodbloeden weten we echter sinds vorige week, toen Altavilla te kennen gaf dat voor de lokale markt nieuwe investeringen kunnen worden verwacht.

Dan de verrassing; Volgens een kort recent interview met Alfredo Cazzola, organisator van de nieuwe (uitgestelde) autosalon in Milaan, zal volgend jaar het evenement alsnog doorgaan en grijpt FCA de nationale gelegenheid aan om een nieuwe Lancia Delta in concept gedaante te onthullen. Het zou om een vierwielaangedreven model gaan, zoals de meervoudig Rally-kampioen uit de jaren ’80 en ’90. Cazzola wil met deze opvallende uitspraak geruchten ontkrachten dat de nieuwe salon niet alleen is uitgesteld maar ook van de baan zou zijn. De autosalon in het beurscomplex te Rho zal nu tijdens de internationale Expo gehouden worden, aldus de organisator.

Als dit waar is, wil dit zeggen dat FCA voor Lancia duidelijk een belangrijke rol op de lokale markt ziet weggelegd. Omdat dit niet zonder risico is, zet men mogelijk in op het belangrijkste sentiment dat onder het (mannelijke) publiek nog springlevend is als het om het merk uit Chivasso gaat, namelijk de Lancia Delta HF Integrale. De infrastructurele middelen zijn natuurlijk inmiddels in huis (bijvoorbeeld de basis van de Chinese Fiat Ottimo) en alleen al een aankondiging van de reïncarnatie van deze icoon kan het publiek vast opwarmen om weer te dromen van een Lancia op de oprit. Wie weet is dat dus ook de strategie van Marchionne en kan er over een paar jaar bij succes ook weer over de bergen van Piemonte heen worden gekeken. Het weer sportiever maken van Lancia, wat al enige tijd in de lijn van onze verwachtingen lag, past overigens ook precies in dit gerucht dat er weer een Delta Integrale aan zit te komen. Een terugkeer in de Rally-sport zal het merk uiteraard helemaal het charisma leveren dat door een breed publiek gewaardeerd zal worden, al zal dit voor 2018 waarschijnlijk niet eens serieus overwogen worden.

miercuri, 22 octombrie 2014

Lancia Ypsilon ELLE stars at ‘Artissima 2014’

  • Lancia is Partner to the international contemporary art event, running at the Oval in Turin from 7 to 9 November and hosting 194 galleries from 34 different countries.
  • Lancia and Artissima are two congruous brands that explore the most modern confines of Design, Art and Style, seeking forms and trends which are contemporary and innovative.
  • Lancia's partnership is part of a wider project which, for more than four years, has seen the brand at the side of young creatives. The international web magazine www.LanciaTrendVisions.com was created for them. This talent scouting laboratory is dedicated to those seeking new trends in fashion, design, lifestyle, photography, art and architecture.
  • A fleet of Lancia's is available to the organisers, for an exclusive "VIP Courtesy Car" service.
  • On display in a dedicated area is the new Lancia Ypsilon ELLE, the top-of-the-range version that has been on sale for just a few weeks. The special series results from the renewed partnership with Elle magazine, the point of reference for women who want to know about fashion, style and wellbeing, as well as new trends, in advance.

For the first time, the Lancia brand is Partner to "Artissima", the International Contemporary Art Event, in its 21st edition, running in Turin from 7 to 9 November. Hosted in the Oval (Lingotto Fiere) and under the artistic direction of Sarah Cosulich Canarutto, the prestigious exhibition incorporates 194 galleries (137 foreign and 57 Italian), including today's most contemporary names and those of greatest interest to the international art market, from 34 different countries, 9 of which are new additions with respect to the Fair's last edition.

"Artissima 2014" thus provides a distinguished insight into the finest research in the field of the visual arts and an unmissable cultural event for professionals, collectors and art lovers alike. By no means could Lancia pass up this internationally unique kaleidoscope of colours and materials, confirming its attention to the world of Art and Design, a communications "territory" in which it is visibly in its element. This is amply demonstrated by LanciaTrendVisions.com, the talent scouting site which has offered visibility to emerging creatives since 2010. On the one hand, it offers a daily selection of new works by young talents and on the other it hosts editorials and interviews with established and emerging creatives, in an active and engaging dialogue.
For "Artissima 2014", the Brand is providing the organisers with a fleet of Lancia cars for an exclusive 'VIP Courtesy Car' service.

There will be a Lancia area inside the Oval in Turin where the public can admire an example of the new Ypsilon ELLE recently presented at the Paris motor show, the special series that results from the renewed partnership with Elle magazine, the point of reference for women who want to know about fashion, style and wellbeing, as well as new trends, in advance.

 The new "ELLE" edition offers paints, materials and exclusive finishes in line with the car's fashion DNA. It represents the top of the model range and presents the brand's distinguishing marks in a contemporary vein. For example, the introduction of three new colours created to show off the refines lines and distinctive personality of the Ypsilon: Glam Powder Pink conceived by the Centro Stile Lancia exclusively for the model, Glacè White and the must-have two-tone combination, in which Glam Powder Pink is sharply and elegantly set off by the contrasting Vulcano Black roof. This is all embellished by the dark chrome finishes - on grille, fog light frame and handles - to the body-coloured mirrors and the 15" diamond-finish or 16" Powder Pink diamond-finish alloy wheels. Standing out on the pillars are the "ELLE" logo in dark chrome and the exclusive Houndstooth graphics, which provide a contemporary take on a style classic.

This strong personality is also found inside, as demonstrated by the specific upholstery of the seats with cushion and backrest in black Alcantara with electro-welded ELLE graphics and Powder Pink leather bands with black stitching. The same Powder Pink also features on the door panels, the dashboard fascia and the mat edges. In a flawless colour combination, black leather with Powder Pink stitching elegantly covers the steering wheel and gear knob. Even more exclusive detailing comes in the front Alcantara headrests customised with the ELLE logo and the Glam Powder Pink key cover with ELLE logo.

The return of Alcantara to the range is worthy of note. This great "classic" of contemporary Lancia elegance made its début back in 1984 on the flagship Thema and went on to appear in all four generations of the Ypsilon. Moreover, Lancia, Alcantara and the Milan Polytechnic collaborated to create an exclusive collection of Alcantara fashion accessories dedicated to the Ypsilon ELLE, by two young designers - Valentina Bruzzi and Alan della Noce - who teach the Fashion Design degree course. This is genuine and captivating jewellery, thanks to the extreme versatility of this high-quality material, paying homage to the first buyers of the special series in Lancia dealerships, as well as being a way to reinforce the link between the Ypsilon, its target and its natural context, the world of style and beauty.

Turin, 21 October 2014

Lancia newsletter official

vineri, 10 octombrie 2014

Modele Lancia clasice, date uitarii

If you have pictures of scrap Lancias not displayed on this page, please mail them to me.
Please mail to:info@jancia.eu




LANCIA NEWS octombrie 2014


Nuovi colori Cipria Glam e Bianco Glacé, nuove finiture pied de poule, interni in pelle e Alcantara®.
Più preziosa che mai.


Con la formula Ecofree, Ypsilon GPL al prezzo
del benzina
Gamma Ypsilon da 9.950 € con 5 porte, clima, radio e ESC.

Première 11 Ottobre negli showroom Lancia.



Voyager tuo da 31.000 € con finanziamento TAN 0 e TAEG 2,02%.


10 registi, 10 città, 10 film: vota il tuo preferito e vinci un weekend per due persone in una splendida città europea. In più, in palio ogni giorno un buono regalo Amazon da 100 €.


marți, 7 octombrie 2014

Scrisoare deschisa catre Conducerea AUTO ITALIA

     La inceputul lunii iulie, am scris un mesaj de ~ 7 pagini catre conducerea AUTO ITALIA, am fost sunat seara de un domn director, cerandu-mi-se explicatii, cu exemple si completari, asa ca, dupa o saptamana de munca, materialul a ajuns la ~ 17 pagini. 

Fiind un material care se poate "transcrie" si catre alti importatori, sper sa fie util si altora. Multumesc frumos !


Catre ,

Conducerea AUTO ITALIA


                            Buna ziua,

            Sunt  Florin Chiriac, din IASI, un fan la marcii FIAT si as dori sa va aduc la cunostinta mici doleante, legata de aceasta firma, de reprezentarea ei in Romania:

PARTEA A – I - A: facebook , internet

1)      de ce aveti o pagina facebook, de genul FIAT ROMANIA si nu se foloseste potentialul ei, de a aduce clienti noi, de a organiza concursuri, prezentari de modele, invitatii la drive-test / actiuni gen „porti deschise” ?

Sunt importatori care au sute de mii de fani si altfel se distribuie o stire, o informatie pe net, de exemplu, Nissan Romania are peste 8,50 milioane fani, Renault Romania are peste 444.000 fani, etc.

Dvs aveti pentru https://www.facebook.com/JeepRomania si https://www.facebook.com/Alfa.Romeo.Romania , cate 2-3.000 de fani, prea putini.

PS -  Am gasit acum pagina:

https://www.facebook.com/Fiat.Romania - cu peste 6.000 de fani, daca este a dvs, de ce nu puneti codul HTML al ei, pe site, ca toti cei care intra pe www.fiat.com.ro    sa dea LIKE.

O mai mare INTERACTIUNE cu forumurile FIAT si nu numai din tara, luati legatura cu ADMINII de pe forumuri, le dati cate un comunicat de presa si ei il posteaza pe forumul lor, reclama GRATIS, RAPIDA, EFICIENTA…..

*  ) Lista forumuri romanesti:

In principiu am cont pe aceste forumuri, se poate lua legatura cu ADMINII si incerca o colaborare, v-am trebui o persoana de legatura pe toata forumurile, care sa PUBLICE:

- promotiile firmei, a firmelor din Grup
- comunicate de presa
- videoclipuri, reclame video la modelele vanduta la noi
- cand au loc lansari de modele noi, targuri auto, expozitii

2 )   Dati LIKE pe paginile fanilor FIAT din tara:

iar paginile lor de facebook sunt:

Se da LIKE incrucisat, pe acele conturi, de pe conturile oficiale ale grupului, se posteaza mesaj cu acele link-uri pentru a fi vazute de toti abonatii paginilor oficiale, si se incearca, comunicand cu cei de pe forumuri, sa se faca si invers – EI sa va promoveze pe DVS:

-         sa trimita mesaj „in bloc” la toti userii pe pe acele forumuri – sunt peste 25.000 membri, mare parte activi
-         fiecare LIKE din partea unui membru de forum, pateu atrage alte LIKE-uri din grupul sau de prieteni

Crearea unui cont facebook, nu pagina, de genul AUTO ITALIA ROMANIA, care sa aiba atasate TOATE paginile facebook din grup.

Daca este CONT – ca cel de persoana fizica, cum este al meu – se poate inregistra in GRUPURI FACEBOOK:

-         cel / cele ale fanilor, pasionatilor, posesorilor de: lancia, alfa romeo, fiat, maserati, jeep, crhysler, etc……..

E alta metoda simpla de prmovare!!! Si gratis!

Legat de facebook, pagina FIAT POLONIA are peste 1,20 milioane fani:

si au si forum personal:

iar cei din Turcia au ~ 1 milion:

Incercati o colaborare cu:

Cele mai populare 10 pagini romanesti pe Facebook:

3 ) O mai mare CONECTIVITATE intre dealerii FIAT pe net: sa-si dea LIKE si sa ceara prietenia incrucisat, pe facebook, apoi sa-si dea like-uri la articole si sa distribuie mesajul colegului…..

La o posibila pagina facebook pe care ar trebui s-o aveti, este simplu de administrat, dati LIKE la pagina producatorului, la cativa vecini cu tara noastra, si apoi merge totul de la sine……

Personal, chiar daca nu am timp, ma ocup de pagini si grupuri facebook pentru marcile:

2 -Citroen -  https://www.facebook.com/ClubCitroenC4 - sunt co-admin alaturi de baietii de pe www.clubc4.ro

3 -Peugeot - https://www.facebook.com/PSACLUBROMANIA - facut de mine, sunt co-admin alaturi de baietii de pe www.psaclub.ro

4 -Nissan - https://www.facebook.com/NissanMicraClubRomania - facut de mine, sunt co-admin cu baietii de pe www.micra.ro

6 -Lancia - https://www.facebook.com/groups/194803840713034 - facut de mine,a alaturi de DANIEL de pe www.clublancia.ro

7 - https://www.facebook.com/EmisiuneaAutoMOBILE - pagina oficiala a emisiunii dnului MIHAI HEIMANN, facuta de mine si sunt co-admin alaturi de domnia sa

O parte sunt create de mine, la altele sunt co-admin !!!

Mi-am creat nucleul de baza, dau like si distribuire la 2-3 zile, dar asa fanii mei primesc tot ce trebuie despre marca X sau Y.

PARTEA A - II - A: site-uri grup AUTO ITALIA

1 ) Apoi:

www.abarth.ro  - nu merge

Idem cele 3 mini-site-uri: BRAVO, 500, LINEA.

2 )  Daca nu aveti firme cu, care sa colaborati pe partea de web-design, am zeci de prieteni care se ocupa cu asa ceva, trebuie doar sa cereti….. sau, puteti posta un mesaj pe pagina facebook, sa vedeti ce reactii vor fi ; sau faceti ca cei de la HTR, care prin firma http://www.infinitsolutions.ro/ , au creat site-uri IDENTICE pentru toti dealerii din tara, ma refer la cel local IASI - http://www.honda-iasi.ro/ . TOATE arata la fel, cu modificari la pagina Contact.

 Stiu, o sa spuneti ca e scump, dar macar la 3-5 ani, se merita o SCHIMBARE de acest gen……… ca si parerea personala, ati pierdut „trenul” cu aceasta criza, mi se pare ca erati nr 1 in tara acum 10-12 ani , pacat, mare pacat….

Unul din prietenii mei, care se pricepe si sta bine pe partea grafica, va trebuie ceva sa „luati ochii” vizitatorilor pe site, este fostul coleg de facultate ROMEO GAL:

Company office:

Piata Majlath Gusztav Karoly
Nr. 6, Et. 3, 530100
Miercurea-Ciuc, Harghita
Office: +40 266 371135
Mobile: +40 745 389262
Skype id: romeogal
Email: contact@meanpixel.com

E pacat sa aveti atatea SITE_uri in portofoliu si sa nu fie actualizate……….. trebuie adusi vizitatorii pe site-uri, trebuie sa atraga, sa-l faci pe om sa citeasca, sa caute informatii, sa-l faci sa-si doreasca o masina noua, de ce nu………

PARTEA A – III – A : modele noi pentru Romania, promovare modele

1        )  de ce nu s-a facut reclama la modele de „impact” pentru piata romaneasca: Panda 4x4, Linea - noul model care se vinde inTurcia, 500 L , sau aducerea unor modele din Asia/America de Sud : Uno, Viaggio ,  Opttimo, noul PALIO, Palio week-end, noul Strada, din Brazilia etc. Modele de nisa, linii speciale de modele. Puteti sa va folositi de o pagina facebook pentru a testa piata romaneasca, daca doriti sa aduceti un model nou , o dotare noua, o culoare de caroserie…..

2 ) Intrebare:

          Cand se vor lansa la noi, urmatoarele modele prezentate aici - http://www.automarket.ro/masini-noi/fiat/ :

- 500 L living
- Freemont cross
- Panda cross
- Ducato
- Strada 4 usi+bena

Aceste informatii, lansari, se pot anunta, cum spuneam in partea a I- a, daca aveti o mare vizibiliate pe: facebook, forumuri auto, un program de NEWSLETTER bine pus la punct, pe site-urile dvs – o sa ma inscriu si eu acum, astazi 24 iunie, sa vad cum functioneaza.

3 ) De ce nu trimiteti catre http://www.automarket.ro/promotii/fiat , lista de oferte noi, LUNARE, pentru firmele dvs din Grup, mai ales ca anul acesta este ultimul cu programul RABLA !!!

PS – am vazut astazi, sambata 21 iunie - oferta la LINEA - http://www.automarket.ro/promotii/reducere-de-1764-euro-pentru-fiat-linea-1592.html

Este pacat ca nu vreti sau poate nu stiti sa va promovati, GRATIS!

Eu stiu ca este criza, e mai rau ca la inceputul ei in 2008-2009, drept-dovada stau acasa fara serviciu de 1 an de zile, avand studii superioare si aprox 38 de ani….

Incercati sa puneti OFERTELE pe acest site, la toate marcile din Grup !!!

4)      cand se lanseaza un model nou pe piata romaneasca, de ce nu se "imprumuta/ofera cadou/vanzare definitiva" modelul respectiv unei vedete radio-tv, cantaret, actor, trupa muzica , sportiv, fost campion, etc – cum fac alte marci, cu vanzari mai bune

Era ceva de genul asta la CITROEN – dar si ei au gresit – site-ul lor http://c-vedete.ro/ :

topic deschis de mine: =>

„defalcam persoanele de pe blog:

https://www.facebook.com/AndreeaIbacka - 28.375 de fani

https://www.facebook.com/cabralibacka - sotul dnei de mai sus = 37.530 fani

https://www.facebook.com/pages/Dana-Rogoz/110885835646636 = 39.435 de fani

https://www.facebook.com/lauracosoi = 68.449 fani

https://www.facebook.com/neatzacurazvansidani = 182.248 de fani

https://www.facebook.com/hiqromania = 26.308 de fani

https://www.facebook.com/ibackaluana = 1.426 de fani

https://www.facebook.com/pages/Ilinca-Vand...3314822432 = 6.666 de fani


TOTAL = 390.437 fani

8 persoane/trupe ( 11 componenti ) , pentru care s-au platit sume frumusele ( 3 din ele au compus/compun o familie ), au primit si masini ( nu stiu daca GRATIS definitiv / o perioada de timp ) si SIGUR nu au ajutat in promovare cat ar fi trebuit.

Luam la intamplare pe SMILEY = https://www.facebook.com/smileyonline = 891.688 de FANI

merita sa-i dai o MASINA GRATIS definitiv ( noul c3 Picasso , sau un C5 ) si te costa mai putin, cu un impact MULT

fanul unor persoane de mai sus si nu am legatura cu nici unul dintre ei.

S-au "platit" 11 persoane = ~ 400.000 fani VERSUS o persoana cu minim dublu nr de fani


Trebuie cautate persoane foarte active si in mediul online, la radio/tv, etc.....”

Mesajul meu de pe Mie 09-Ian-2013, ora 09:22 !!!

5)      promovarea unor modele actuale / viitoare in videoclipuri muzicale – idem, sunt marci, mai ales germane care fac asa ceva si se vede in vanzari

6)      DONATI  cateva exemplare unor ONG-uri, organizatii care lupta pentru diferite cauze, etc – Hyundai a dat o masina I40 parca, Politiei Romane

7)      imprumutati un model nou catre o echipa din presa scrisa/emisiune tv, care va merge la un anumit salon auto din Europa, cu modelul respectiv, apoi sa se prezinte aventurile cu acel model, pozitive/negative – celor de la www.auto.ro  / www.automarket.ro  , etc

Sa trimiteti catre testare, modele de impact, pentru realizarea unor drive-teste, catre:


apoi, TOATE testele, prezentarile, luati acel LINK de pe site-ul X si-l distribuiti pe pagina dvs de facebook.

8 ) – de ce nu participati la TARGURI AUTO locale ????

A fost recent un TARG auto la PALAS IASI – au fost prezente – peugeot, citroen, skoda, renault, range rover, mazda, mercedes, opel, jaguar dar nu si FIAT !!!

Stiti cata lume iese in PALAS , seara dupa 18.00, familii intregi cu nepoti, copi, bunici ? Cei de la FORD au avut masini prezenta acolo mai multe luni…. NU stiu cat costa o asemenea „prezentare” dar merita incercata…..

Apoi, in parcari sau la intrare in supermarketuri, ar trebui „lasate”, prin rotatie, macar o luna, modele FIAT – in Carrefour, Kaufland, Lidl, cum fac alta marci………… vine lumea, cumpara ce are nevoie, „pac-pac”  vede un model Fiat.

9 ) De ce nu faceti actiuni, macar la 6 luni, de genul PORTI DESCHISE LA FIAT !!! – sau alta marci din Grup…..

Ieri – vineri 27 iunie, am fost cu sotia si fata la Dacia – nu am castigat nici un premiu, nu ca as fi luat Dacia modelul aniversar 10 ani, dar a fost placut, m-am uitat la msini, si la Dacia si la Nissan, fata s-a suit prin ele, ii place Dusterul, am luat un suc si 2 baloane si am plecat acasa……….. erau la ora 15-16, zeci de persoane, familii intregi in show-room, unele din ele disctau achizitii noi auto….

De ce nu faceti si dvs, dar sa tina de miercuri-duminica, la 4-6 luni, cand lansati un model nou in Romania ????

Va puteti folosi de pagina facebook, DATI LIKE LA PAGINA, DATI LIKE LA ARTICOL, COMENTATI SI DATI SHARE si castigati o MASINA !!!

Multi cand lanseaza un model nou, fac concursuri si dau premii o masina!!!

Ok, nu puteti de fiecare data, dar macar o data pe an…………… si in rest, premii promotionale si WEEK-END CU MASINA la munte/la mare/ afara……

Cei de la HONDA au facut asa ceva, completai un formular, dadeai LIKE la pagina, si de la 4-5.000 like-uri, au trecut de 20.000 in prima luna :)

PARTEA A – IV – A – pareri posesori, vechi clienti, ce se spune despre dvs. online:

10  ) Aruncati un ochi si pe:

sa vedeti ce spun posesorii de FIAT despre masinile lor….

11 ) Incercati sa aduceti modificari la site-urile dvs, sunt cam „depasite” vizual, actualizati mai des pagina de stiri, noutatile viitoare pentru Romania.

Am vazut ca faceti reclama agresiva pe net la marca JEEP, ok, este un brand care poate, aduce profit mare, dar nu aduce in schimb, vanzare ca si volum. Nu mai bine va axati pe marca FIAT cu o promovare agresiva online – pe site-uri, forumuri FIAT, facebook, youtube, email, twitter, messinger.

O apropiere mai puternica cu forumurile romanesti: lansari de modele la care sa chemati userii, prezenta dvs la intalnirile lor ANUALE, oferirea de produse promotionale, masini de drive-teste,  concursuri cu premii, etc.

12 ) La sectiunea DEALERI, http://www.fiat.com.ro/dealeri/iasi , puteti sa le treceti si conturile/paginile de facebook/twitter, daca dealerul respectiv le are.

13 )Puteti crea niste aplicatii online pentru smartphone, acel cod QR , sa-l afisati pe brosuri, facebook, sa-l trimiteti prin e-mail/newsletter ….

Ceva de genul:

SEAT Connect App

Intreaga lume a SEAT Service - intr-o singura aplicatie: SEAT Connect App.

Veti avea acces la centrul de service SEAT si reteaua de dealeri, datele de contact importante. Cu ajutorul aplicatiei puteti verifica cele mai noi servicii, oferte si sfaturi.

SEAT Connect App este asistentul dumneavoastra de incredere si inteligent pe drum.

In cazul unei defectiuni sau a unui accident SEAT Connect App va ofera asistenta si sfaturi. Este important sa stim ce avem de facut la locul unui accident rutier pentru a evita pericole mai mari si ranirea victimelor, a noastra si a celorlalti participanti la trafic.

Folosind doar cateva informatii despre autoturismul dvs., cum ar fi numarul de inmatriculare si modelul, aplicatia SEAT Connect isi personalizeaza continutul la nevoile dvs., oferindu-va informatii privind intretinerea si recomandari de service, punandu-va pe primul loc cand vine vorba despre a primi actualizari privind cele mai recente oferte si stiri.

Alte caracteristici includ:

-Asistenta la drum
-Utilitarul de parcare „Gaseste-mi masina”
-Ghidul simbolurilor de pe bord
-Sistemul de localizare centre de service
-Asistenta SEAT
-SEAT Social

PARTEA A- V – A – service, vanzari second-hand

De ce nu o puneti pe prima pagina, sus sau jos….

Iar greseala de „vizibilitate” …

15 ) O PLATFORMA DE SERVICE ONLINE bine pusa la punct, de genul:

si promovarea lui pe mediul online: pe site-uri, forumuri FIAT, facebook, youtube, email, twitter, messinger.

16 ) Apoi, pe site, sa aveti o sectiune – poate este dar nu am vazut-o, de genul:

17 ) Relizarea unei sectiuni sau chiar a unui site nou, pentru MEGA-OFERTE, de genul:

PS – am vazut ca aveti => http://www.autoitaliaoutlet.ro/

De ce nu-l promovati cum trebuie: pe site-uri, forumuri FIAT, facebook, youtube, email, twitter, messinger.

Sa puneti anunurile GRATIS si pe:

pe unele din ele va puteti face cont ca si DEALER / PARC AUTO !!!

Crearea unor CENTRE ZONALE de vanzari second-hand din grupul dvs in cateva judete din tara, ar fi excelent si in orasul IASI, pentru zona de NORD a tarii , deoarece:

A ) http://www.aaank.ro/  - vand sute de masini pe an

Mereu in cautare de provocari, in Februarie 2009 New Kopel Group semneaza un parteneriat cu AAA Auto, lider pe piata de vanzari masini second hand din Europa, luand nastere noua divizie a Grupului, AAA New Kopel. In mai putin de un an, AAA New Kopel devine unul dintre cei mai importanti jucatori de pe piata de masini second hand din Romania, oferind clientelei sale servicii unice pe piata locala.
Un dealer autorizat de masini rulate, deosebit de toti ceilalti
Ca beneficiar al expertizei obtinute 100% din activitatea de comercializare a masinilor rulate, AAA Auto poate oferi in Romania beneficiile unice pentru clientii sai:
Masinile cumparate de la AAA Auto sunt doar de la primul proprietar;
Fiecare masina primeste cea mai mare garantie pentru un SH, acordata in Romania, garantia din bara in bara, de 2 ani, in limita a 30.000 de km;
Primesti masina la schimb pe toata perioada reparatiilor incluse in garantie;
ITP valabil 1 an;
Poti folosi ca avans, masina ta veche in sistem de buy back, si achiti doar diferenta;
Ai asistenta pentru obtinerea unei finantari, astfel incat sa o poti lua si in leasing (grad de succes in preluarea dosarelor si obtinere finantare de 92%);
Ai peste 100 de modele si marci cunoscute in parcul AAA Auto, pentru a alege masina potrivita tie.
Parcul de masini rulate AAA Auto te asteapta in fiecare saptamana cu un stoc mixt si consultanti la dispozitia ta. Progamul este de luni pana vineri intre orele 09.00- 19.00 iar sambata de la 09.00 -14.00.
De asemenea, poti consulta si online modelele si marcile existente zilnic pe site-ul nostru aaank.ro, dand click pe butonul existent in pagina principala Toate Masinile.
Pentru a fi mai usor sa iei legatura cu noi, ti-am pus la dispozitie un numar scurt 021.9400 sau formularul de contact de pe site, astfel incat sa programezi rapid un drive test cu orice masina din parc, sa stabilesti o intalnire sa ceri o oferta sau sa rezervi masina care iti place.
Tot pe site-ul nostru vei gasi informatii la zi despre legislatia in domeniul masinilor rulate, dar si sfaturi practice vizavi de ce trebuie sa verifici inainte de a cumpara un autovehicul SH. Le gasesti dand click pe banerul SH vs SH din pagina principala a site-ului nostru.
Iti multumim,
Echipa AAA Auto

Bine ai venit in lumea masinilor de ocazie! La MERIDIAN Ocazie te asteapta constant peste 200 de autovehicule rulate, aflate in trei parcuri auto.
Toate masinile si utilitarele de ocazie pe care le comercializam provin din cumparare directa, leasing si buy back si beneficiaza de garantie, ITP valabil si revizie. Mai mult, pentru orice achizitie de masini rulate, clientii MERIDIAN Ocazie pot opta pentru finantare prin leasing auto (leasing financiar).
Rulajul mare ne permite sa actualizam permanent stocul, astfel incat putem sa iti oferim o gama variata de autoturisme si utilitare second hand. Pentru a fi sigur ca nu ratezi nici o ocazie, inscrie-te acum la newsletter-ul nostru si o sa fii permanent la curent cu toate ofertele noastre de masini rulate. Click aici pentru a te inscrie.

GARANTIE 1 an !!!

Primul si cel mai mare parc auto din Galati si Braila, peste 3600 de masini vandute in toata tara!


Ce bine cand ma asculta lumea.....  http://peugeotcitroenromania.blogspot.ro/2014/06/noul-site-httpwwwcitroenro.html - blog personal, am unit toate forumurile PEUGEOT-CITROEN din Romania, sub aceiasi umbrela. Poate va „inspira” !!!

Le-am trimis si celor de la TRUST MOTORS, un email cu 9-10 pagini, si partial, au pus in practica ce i-am rugam/recomandat……… se putea mai bine, mai mult…….


19 ) TABELE PRETURI INTRETINERE pe modele, de genul:

20 ) Incercati sa veniti cu niste reclame care sa „socheze” , de genul:

Sau cu niste stiri de genul:

Traduceti niste reclame din „afara” ca sa nu cheltuiti bani sa faceti altele noi in tara, si promovarea lor pe pe site-uri, forumuri FIAT, facebook, youtube, email, twitter, messinger.
 de genul:

reclame fff bune sunt, dar trebuie promovate!

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ipifYpgu7g  - model ff interesant, cred ca va prinde bine si la noi

E o masina care-mi place, mai ales ca am o fetita de 3 ani jumatate si poate da bunul Dumnezeu, si in 2 ani mai fac un copil………. Caut un monovolum, un crossover sau break, ca viitoare masina – chiar daca nu am banii acum, si 500 L e pe lista mea !!!

Promovati niste premii, reusite, avantaje ale modelelor FIAT fata de concurenta, am gasit pe net ceva de genul:

si lista poate continua !!!

21 ) O oferta pentru vara-iarna, de genul:

In perioada 30.06 - 26.07 2014, KIA IASI - Trado Total, desfasoara o campanie de verificare gratuita a modelelor KIA.
Mai multe detalii gasiti aici = http://www.kiaiasi.ro/promotii-kia/promotie-kia-iasi
Va asteptam cu drag!

         Va multumesc pentru timpul acordat si-mi cer scuze dac emailul e prea incalcit, a fost scris in ultima saptamana, incercand sa acopar cat mai multe subiecte!

O sa va intrebati de ce ? Sa zicem ca e un MANIFEST CONTRA MARCILOR GERMANE, m-am saturat sa vad online, in ziare, la tv, pe forumuri, ca "marfa germana"  e cea mai buna….

      Noi nu suntem „rude” cu ei, suntem popor latin si depinde si de dvs sa schimbati aceasta perceptie. Aveti potential ca marca FIAT si nu numai, sa ajunga in top 5 in Romania……. Dar este de munca, multa munca si nu trebuie multi bani sa schimbi asta….

        Cu respect,
  Ing Florin Chiriac


PS - materialul este copy-paste, posibil samai aiba greseli