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vineri, 25 decembrie 2015

Se vinde Lancia Prisma 1600 cc din 1985

Domnul Cojocaru Vasile

vinde automobilul  Lancia Prisma 1600 cc din 1985, aduc din elvetia in 1995, masina este in stare de functionare, la ea trebuie facuta reparatie la tinichigerie, masina avand vopseaua originala, iar domnia sa nu mai are timp sa se ocupe .


Oferit de Proprietar
Marca Lancia
Model Prisma
An de fabricatie 1985
Rulaj 143 000 km
Combustibil Benzina
Caroserie Berlina
Capacitate motor 1 585 cm3
Stare Utilizat    

auto in stare de functionare.necesita reparatie tinichigerie.fara itp si asigurare.

PRET - 1 250 lei 


0722 973 941

Berceni, judet Bucuresti - Ilfov


miercuri, 23 decembrie 2015

Jeep® Renegade is Named Best “4x4 of the Year 2016”

  • The prestigious award given by 4x4 Magazine, the off-road specialist UK magazine
  • A Trailhawk, the range-topping version in terms of performance and off-road characterization, was put through its paces
  • According to the jury "Renegade is one of the most significant 4x4 vehicles to be produced in the last five years"
  • Renegade ranked first in the "Mid-range SUV sub-£30,000" category

Jeep® Renegade was named "4x4 of the Year 2016" by the UK's 4x4 Magazine, one of the most famous specialist publications in the world. The coveted title confirms the winning features of the small SUV which has become one of the best-selling models in its segment in many countries across the EMEA region. The 4x4 Magazine's jury, which was unanimous in its decision, put the Jeep Renegade Trailhawk, the version that expresses the best in terms of performance and all-terrain characterization, through its paces on a tough off-road evaluation course.

Trailhawk is the top-of-the-range version: it combines the best of Jeep's off-road technology and the finest of FCA's engineering innovations. The car is equipped with a powerful 2.0 MultiJet 170 HP engine combined with a nine-speed automatic transmission and Jeep Active Drive Low which delivers a final drive ratio of 20:1. The jury of 4x4 Magazine concluded that the entire Renegade range was worthy of the award and declared that the model was "one of the most significant 4x4 vehicles produced in the last five years".

Furthermore, 4x4 Magazine named Jeep Renegade the best in the "Mid-range SUV sub-£30,000" category, while the iconic Jeep Wrangler took the "Hardcore" class for the fourth consecutive year.

Jeep Renegade, of which over 180,000* units have been produced so far at the revamped FCA Melfi Plant in Italy, represented the debut of the Jeep brand into a new segment. By entering the small-SUV category for the first time -  the fastest growing one in the EMEA region  -Jeep demonstrated that it is no longer a 'niche' brand and is able to compete successfully in the various segments. The array of Jeep Renegade awards also confirm that the Jeep brand can address the everyday needs of its customers while staying true to its DNA of genuine off-road brand. As first SUV manufacturer globally, Jeep delivers the best off-road capabilities in all segments it competes in.

Jeep Renegade award list includes:

• "New Car of the Year 2015" - Quattroruote (Italy);
• "Best SUV of the Year 2015" - Coches.net (Spain);
• "Car of the Year 2016" - Autoesporte (Brazil);
• "4x4 of the Year 2015" - 4x4 Magazine (France);
• "SUV of the Year 2015" - 4x4 Tout-Terrain Magazine (France);
• "Car of the Year 2016" awarded by a panel of specialist journalists in Greece;
• "Best Buy Award 2016" in the Subcompact-SUV category for US Consumer Guide Automotive Best Buy

Turin, 23 December 2015

*data updated as of November 30th


duminică, 20 decembrie 2015

The New Fiat Doblò Cargo named "Light Van of the Year"

  • The endorsement to the fourth generation of the Fiat Professional commercial vehicle was awarded by UK's premier specialised publication.
  • "What Van?" judges were impressed by the new Fiat Doblò Cargo's excellent driving dynamics, robust durability and expansive range.

The New Fiat Doblò Cargo has been named "Light Van of the Year" at the "2016 What Van? Awards" held by UK's premier title offering Light Commercial Vehicle buying and selling advice.

At the awards ceremony held in London, the "What Van?" judging panel - an expert editorial panel comprising decades of experience in the industry - was impressed by the new Fiat Professional vehicle launched last February and emphasised its class-leading attributes such as its excellent driving dynamics and comfort, its segment-leading load and volume capacities as well as its solidity, robustness and breadth of range.

Now in its fourth generation, the New Doblò Cargo therefore confirms the all-round qualities of the model, which has amassed more than 1.4 million sales since it was launched in 2000, and which has won the "What Van?" accolade four times previously. Fiat Professional's new vehicle features a fresh exterior design, as well as a series of technical and functional enhancements that ensure superior performance levels (torque response has improved by up to 40% in city driving) and excellent road handling and driving comfort - courtesy of its sophisticated independent wheel bi-link rear suspension (segment-leading).

With a payload of up to one tonne and a load volume of up to 5.4 m3, the New Doblò Cargo has impressive carrying capacity, both in terms of weight and size, which makes it ideal for commercial use. Its engine range provides low running costs and emissions, while a large number of variants are offered, from vans to special vehicles, including versions that have been converted for specific uses. In short, this makes for an excellent range of choice for any business looking to either expand or make changes to their fleet.

Depending on the market, the New Doblò Cargo is available in four body styles (Cargo, Combi, WorkUp and Load platform), two height variants and two wheelbase lengths. The engine range comprises six turbo diesel engines - 1.3 MultiJet II (75 and 90 HP), 1.6 MultiJet II (100 and 105 HP), a 90 HP 1.6 MultiJet II with robotised gearbox and a 135 HP 2.0 MultiJet II - and three petrol power trains: a 95 HP 1.4, a 120 HP 1.4 TurboJet and a 120 HP 1.4 TurboJet (petrol/methane). Furthermore, the range has been extended with the new "EcoJet" version - dedicated to the 90 HP 1.3 MultiJet II and the 105 HP 1.6 MultiJet II versions - engineered to lower fuel consumption and reduce running costs even further (by up to 15%).

Sold in more than 80 different countries, including North America where it retails as the RAM Promaster City, the New Doblò Cargo is produced in the Tofaş plant in Bursa (Turkey), one of the world's best automotive factories, which has received a World Class Manufacturing Gold Medal.

Turin, 17 December 2015


marți, 15 decembrie 2015

Revine Alfa Romeo în Formula 1? Marchionne: "Este important să concurăm în Marele Circ"

Celebrul brand italian Alfa Romeo ar putea reveni în Formula 1 în viitorul apropiat. Nu o spunem noi, ci însuşi CEO-ul Fiat Chrysler, Sergio Marchionne.
"Este incredibil cum a rămas Alfa Romeo în inimile oamenilor. Din acest motiv, ne gândim să readucem brandul în calitate de competitor în cursele de Formula 1."
Sergio Marchionne
CEO Fiat Chrysler 
Când spui Italia şi Formula 1, te gândeşti la Ferrari şi Alfa Romeo. Primii au fost prezenţi în toate sezoanele Formulei 1, însă cei din urmă nu au mai turat motoarele în Marele Circ din 1985.

Acest lucru este însă pe punctul de a se schimba, întrucât Sergio Marchionne, CEO-ul Fiat Chrystler, are ambiţii majore pentru brandul din cadrul grupului. Italianul susţine că este determinat să readucă Alfa Romeo în Formula 1 în viitorul mai mult sau mai puţin îndepărtat.

"Este incredibil cum a rămas Alfa Romeo în inimile oamenilor. Din acest motiv, ne gândim să readucem brandul în calitate de competitor în cursele de Formula 1. Este important pentru Alfa să revină", a declarat el la Maranello.

Esential2 este numărul titlurilor obţinute de Alfa Romeo la piloţi în Formula 1
Istoria de început a Formulei 1 se leagă puternic de brandul Alfa Romeo. Primele două titluri mondiale, câştigate de Giuseppe Farina (1950) şi Juan Manuel Fangio (1951) au fost obţinute la volanul unor monoposturi Alfa Romeo. În anii '60-'70, Alfa Romeo a fost furnizor de motoare şi a revenit în calitate de constructor în 1979, înainte de a se retrage la sfârşitul sezonului 1985 (foto).

O revenire a celor de la Alfa Romeo cu o echipă de uzină ar însemna că grupul Fiat Chrysler va avea două echipe în Marele Circ. Ferrari a înregistrat progrese semnificative în acest an şi a ocupat locul doi în clasamentul constructorilor, o performantă care îl mulţumeşte pe Marchionne în ciuda dominaţiei autoritare a celor de la Mercedes. "În ansamblu, sunt foarte mulţumit, având în vedere de unde am început în acest an", a adăugat el.

 Via Reuters, AP


vineri, 11 decembrie 2015

Lancia dicembre 2015 news

Lancia Newsletter Dicembre 2015

Questo Natale, festeggia con Y.O.U.

  Viaggi, tecnologia, sport, moda, partner d’eccellenza: entra a far parte di Ypsilon Owners United e scopri ogni giorno un mondo di premi unici dedicati a te e alle tue più grandi passioni.  
  Scopri di più  

Offerte stellari su nuova Lancia Ypsilon

  Affrettati, l’offerta è valida fino al 31 Dicembre!  
  Scopri di più  

Y portrays: 8 storie uniche, come te

  A volte la vita ti porta su strade che mai avresti pensato di percorrere.
Scopri insieme a Ypsilon 8 racconti di chi non ha avuto paura di cambiare, per rimanere se stesso.
  Scopri di più  

  vieni a fare un test drive   richiedi un preventivo  


luni, 7 decembrie 2015

Timbrul de mediu ar putea fi transformat în impozit anual, dar va fi mai mare decât în prezent

Timbrul de mediu va fi înlocuit cu un impozit anual care va creşte la fiecare 12 luni pe parcursul a 15 ani, însă valoarea totală de plată va fi mai mare decât cea din prezent, potrivit unui proiect de lege.
Esential = 15 ani va fi perioada în care un proprietar va plăti impozit anual pentru maşină
La doi ani de la introducere, timbrul de mediu are toate şansele să fie înlocuit din 2016 cu un impozit anual care să fie plătit timp de 15 ani de la prima înmatriculare a maşinii.
 Suma anuală de plată va creşte însă gradual la fiecare 12 luni: cel mai mic impozit va fi plătit în primul an de la înmatricularea maşinii, iar cel mai mare în cel de-al 15-lea an. În cazul în care proprietarul vinde maşina, noul proprietar va continua practic plata impozitului.

Perioada de 15 ani pentru plata impozitului a fost stabilită ca urmare a faptului că aceasta este durata medie de utilizare a unei maşini, conform datelor furnizate de Registrul Auto Român (RAR). La fel ca şi până acum, calculul impozitului anual se va face în funcţiile de emisiile de dioxid de carbon ale maşinilor.

Proiectul de lege a fost iniţiat de un deputat UDMR şi prevede doar schimbarea modului de calcul al taxei, nu şi valoarea acesteia, însă este cert că suma plătită pe parcursul celor 15 ani va fi mai mare decât valoarea actuală a timbrului de mediu. 
Proiectul are ca avantaje faptul că proprietarul maşinii va plăti o taxă eşalonată pe 15 ani în locul unei singure taxe de mare valoare, iar achiziţia de maşini second-hand va fi descurajată, întrucât în cazul acestora impozitul va fi mai mic decât cel al unei maşini noi.

Pentru a intra în vigoare, proiectul trebuie votat de parlament, iar iniţiatorul schimbării afirmă că toate partidele sprijină introducerea impozitului anual.

Via Profit


miercuri, 2 decembrie 2015

Lancia Ypsilon 2015 doar 2 stele euroncap

Draga sergio...................... ar trebui sa-ti dai demisia !!!

O Lancia cu 2 stele euroncap in 2015 e de rasul curcilor :(


  • Adult Occupant


  • Child Occupant


  • Pedestrian


  • Safety Assist


Tested Model Lancia New Ypsilon 1.2 Gold, LHD
Body Type 5 door hatchback
Year Of Publication 2015
Kerb Weight 965kg
VIN From Which Rating Applies all Ypsilons of the specification tested
Class Supermini

Euro NCAP Crash Test of Lancia Ypsilon 2015  =>

vineri, 27 noiembrie 2015

Fiat Tipo: "Born to be a Sedan"

After the world preview at the Istanbul Motor Show last May, Fiat Tipo is being presented to the international press today. The new Compact Sedan will be marketed in over forty countries across the EMEA region. This all-new, four-door car, created from the beginning as a three-box sedan, embodies the "Born to be Sedan" concept which enhances the balanced, quintessentially Italian design to guarantee personality and style without forgoing functionality.

The result is a functional car which maximises value for money - this being a crucial concept in the Fiat functional family - packed with what customers genuinely appreciate, with a simple range and a transparent commercial offer. Clearly, FCA is assigning a primary role to this model characterised by excellent interior liveability and load capacity, a comprehensive range and a distinctive style to consolidate its presence across the EMEA region.

Good-looking and functional, Fiat Tipo combines a large load capacity (520 litres) with compact overall dimensions (it is 4.54 metres long, 1.79 metres wide and 1.49 metres high). The 2.64 metre wheelbase emphasises its excellent internal comfort. All this is enhanced by Italian design, inside and out, which makes the car unique in its segment.

Everyone can find the right Fiat Tipo for their needs and inclinations. In the EMEA region, the line-up will include three trim levels, four engine versions (the 1.4 16v Fire 95 HP and the 1.6 1.6v E.torQ 110 HP petrol engines and the 1.3 MultiJet II 95 HP and 1.6 MultiJet II 120 HP turbo diesels), two transmissions (five- or six-speed manual or six-speed automatic, the latter on 1.6 E.torQ only), a palette of various body colours (pastel and metallised), two alloy rim patterns (16" and 17") and four different interior configurations. 

The new car fits a reliable suspension layout for very accurate driving, brilliant road-holding and outstanding passenger comfort: independent wheels McPherson type on the front axle and interconnected wheels torque beam on the rear. The two layouts are optimised to reduce weight and contribute in this way to improving the car's fuel-efficiency.

In the true Fiat style, the new Tipo is packed with a plenty of clever solutions that make life better for everyone on-board. Like the splendid standard features and the availability of the Uconnect TM system with a 5" colour touchscreen, hands-free Bluetooth system, audio streaming, text reader and voice recognition, AUX and USB ports with iPod integration, controls on the steering wheel and, on demand, a rear parking camera and the new TomTom 3D Touch navigation system.

The car's name - Tipo - sported on the badge is a celebrated designation that Fiat has been used many times during its over one century of history. One of the models to carry the coveted name was the car of which nearly two millions were made from 1988 to 1995 and which was awarded "Car of the Year 1989" also because of its versatile use, large interior space and compact exterior dimensions. The same winning features are found on the new Tipo, a practical, functional model which in perfect Fiat tradition ensures the best equipment-to-price ratio, this being the real value of any industrial product.

Designed to tackle future challenges, the new Fiat Tipo was designed in Italy by Centro Stile Fiat, developed in Turkey together with Tofaş R&D, which is one of FCA's largest research and development centres, and made in the Tofaş plant in Bursa - one of the world's best automotive factories which has received a World Class Manufacturing Gold Medal.

The full press kit is available at "Text" link.

joi, 19 noiembrie 2015

Abarth 695 Biposto Record

New Abarth 695 Biposto Record Is The Ultimate 500, But Costs More Than An M235i!

Fiat’s, or rather Abarth’s new Limited Edition 695 Biposto Record packs a mighty punch for its size, but at a cost that might leave you feeling like someone just punched you in the stomach.

Announced on Tuesday for the UK market, the special edition Abarth model that’s based on the Fiat 500 city car comes with a 190hp 1.4-liter turbocharged four and plenty of styling and performance upgrades at a pretty hefty cost, as it’s priced at £36,610 OTR (equal to $55,700 or €52,300).

But those are UK prices, some of you will say, and to you, we reply that the BMW M135i Hatch and M235i Coupe start from £31,860 and £35,075 respectively, while the new 350PS Ford Focus RS and 310PS Honda Civic Type R both start from £29,995.

Nevertheless, this is a very special limited production model aimed at enthusiasts who want the fastest production city car or as the Italians put it, the ‘world’s smallest supercar’.

Only 133 examples will be made for worldwide distribution with just a portion of those cars coming to the UK, so we imagine that Fiat shouldn’t have a problem convincing diehard fans looking for the ultimate 500.

The Record model is based on the two-seat Abarth 695 Biposto using the same 190hp and 250 Nm strong 1.4L turbo mill which has to push around only 997kg (2,198 pounds), resulting in the best-in-category weight-to-power ratio at 5.2 kg/hp and 0-100km/h (62mph) sprint time at 5.9 seconds, with the mini achieving a top speed of 230 km/h (143 mph).

In this limited edition Record trim, it’s finished in an exclusive 'Modena Yellow' color with 'Tar Cold Grey' trims and '695 Record' badges, and sports 18-inch OZ alloy wheels, large Brembo brakes and a throatier Akrapovic exhaust. On the inside, there’s a special instrument panel animation, Sabelt carbon shell seats, four point seatbelts, a cargo net and a unique numbered plate.


The Great Abarth Classiche Project

Introducing Abarth Classiche, a long-term project which involves the entire universe of the Scorpion brand. Indeed, the initiative will be composed of several elements, starting with the restoration centre being opened today, 18th November, at the Mirafiori Abarth Workshop in Turin.

In the beating heart of the business designed to develop serial and racing models, an area spanning approximately 900 square metres has been set up as a workshop dedicated to restoring customers' historic Abarths. The restoration activities will be carried out with a high level of accuracy and will aim to ensure that any changes faithfully recreate the original conditions of the vehicle. To ensure compliance with the original designs and mechanics, Abarth will rely on a full range of documentation, including technical drawings, which has recently been catalogued and digitalised. This will also prove useful for the purpose of certifying the authenticity of the mechanical parts (engine, gearbox, exhaust and suspension), and when defining the certification procedures, Abarth has called upon on the advice and experience of the ASI (Historical Italian Automotoclub) and FIVA.

The launch of the Officine Abarth Classiche is only the beginning of a larger project that envisages the creation of the Abarth Register, designed to bring all the enthusiasts of the brand together with a series of activities ranging from the participations in meetings to vintage car races, managed by the Automobile Club d'Italia, through Aci Storico. The Abarth Classiche project is also online at www.abarthclassiche.com.
The face of the initiative is Anneliese Abarth, Carlo's wife, who enthusiastically accepted this role to publicise the long story of the company founded by her husband on 15 November 1949. An important story, marked from its very beginning by a string of successes and a wealth of inventive spirit. Starting with the victory in the 1100 Sport Italian Championships, with the 204A and in the Formula 2 field, then progressing to the great commercial success of the kits for transforming the Fiat 500 and 600 economy vehicles, which allowed many young and not so young enthusiasts to successfully try their hand at racing using everyday vehicles.

Tens of vehicles were developed and built by Abarth between 1949 and 1971, the year in which the company was bought by Fiat, which continued developing its success stories, both in the racing field and commercially, with enhanced utility models such as the Abarth Autobianchi A112.
These are all vehicles with a wide fan base in Italy and abroad, owned by an army of enthusiasts who conserve them with extreme dedication. From now on, these models can rediscover their original personality thanks to the Officine Abarth Classiche, where customers will be issued with a file containing all the information relative to the vehicles, lovingly restored to their former glory.

The story of the Abarth brand is also told in a work composed of three volumes written by Sergio Seccatore and entitled "Abarth: the Scorpion's tale", created by the Italian Fiat Register.
Abarth also tells its story through references to its current models, such as the 695 Biposto Record, manufactured in a limited series of only 133 cars: the same number as that of the records held by the Scorpion's vehicles. Instead, the anniversary of the quarter-mile acceleration record broken on 20 October 1965 was celebrated with the launch of the Abarth 695 Assetto Corse Record on the Mugello racetrack during the Italian Endurance Touring Championships.

The full press release is available at "Text" link. 

Turin, 18 November 2015

miercuri, 18 noiembrie 2015

Fiat 124 Spider 2016

La aproape 50 de ani de la lansare, Centoventiquattro renaste sub forma noului roadster Fiat. Noul Fiat 124 Spider aduce omagiu modelului original si reprezinta adaptarea moderna a legendei Spider. 

Proiectat la Centro Stile Torino, Noul 124 Spider imprumuta indicii ale originalului din 1966, considerat unul dintre cele mai frumoase modele Fiat din toate timpurile, si le reinterpreteaza. 

Noul 124 Spider are o silueta joasa, atemporala, imbinand profilul de influenta retro cu proportiile echilibrate, argumentate de o capota lunga si de habitaclul compact, amplasat in vecinatatea puntii spate. Modelul intruchipeaza experienta suprema a unui roadster italian, cu un design Made in Italy si imbogatita de emotie, tehnologie si siguranta.

Caracteristici precum grila hexagonala superioara, cupolele "Power Dome" de pe capota si blocurile spate orizontale si ascutite sunt totatatea elemente care conduc cu gandul spre Spiderul clasic.
Interiorul este orientat asupra soferului, fabricat in intregime din materiale premium soft-touch. Noul roadster este dotat cu tehnologii de siguranta si asistenta, precum faruri adaptive si camera video marsarier, dar si cu un pachet de infotainment consistent cu touchscreen de 7 inchi, conectivitate Bluetooth, sistem Keyless Enter’n Go si sistem audio premium Bose cu noua difuzoare.

In Europa, Noul 124 Spider va fi oferit cu motorizarea MultiAir Turbo de 1.4 litri/140 CP si 240 Nm, cuplat la o transmisie manuala in sase trepte. Aceasta motorizare va propulsa pentru prima oara un autoturism cu tractiune spate.

Fiat 124 Spider va ajunge in Europa in vara anului 2016 si va fi disponibil in doua niveluri de echipare, 124 Spider si Lusso. Exterioarele vor putea fi personalizate intr-una dintre cele 8 culori din paleta: Rosso Passione, Bianco Gelato, Nero Vesuvio, Grigio Argento, Grigio Moda, Bronzo magnetico, Azzurro Italia si tri-strat Bianco Ghiaccio.

Sursa: https://www.facebook.com/Fiat.Romania/


124 Spider Revives Legendary Nameplate with Iconic Italian Styling and Dynamic Driving Experience

  • Fiat 124 Spider returns nearly 50 years after original introduction.
  • Delivers iconic Italian style with modern adaptation of original Spider legend.
  • Powered by turbocharged MultiAir 1.4-liter engine for 140 horsepower and 240 Nm of torque, available with manual transmission.
  • Available with safety and security features, plus technologies for added comfort and convenience.
  • 124 units will be available as limited-production 'Anniversary'.

The new Fiat 124 Spider revives the storied nameplate, bringing its classic Italian styling and performance to a new generation. Paying homage to the original 124 Spider nearly 50 years after its introduction, the Fiat 124 Spider delivers the ultimate Italian roadster experience with driving excitement, technology and safety combined with iconic Italian design.

Engaging driving dynamics through thoughtful engineering
In EMEA, the Fiat 124 Spider is available with the proven 1.4-liter MultiAir Turbo four-cylinder engine, the engine's first application in a rear-wheel-drive vehicle. The engine, delivers 140 horsepower and 240 Nm. of torque, and is available with a six-speed manual transmission.
The 124 Spider's suspension uses a double-wishbone layout in front and a multilink in the rear, specifically tuned for greater stability while braking and turning. Steering is light and responsive with the use of an electric power assist (dual pinion) system.
The steering and suspension setup, lightweight frame, balanced weight distribution and turbocharged engine combine for a dynamic driving experience. Noise vibration and harshness (NVH) enhancements, including an acoustic front windshield and insulation treatments, also help to deliver a refined, quiet ride.
For an open-air driving experience, the Fiat 124 Spider's soft convertible top is easy to operate and requires minimal force.

Loaded with safety, security and technology features
The all-new roadster is available with safety and security features, including adaptive front headlamps, and rear camera. A high-strength body delivers high rigidity and light weight.
The Fiat 124 Spider also includes an array of available technology features for added comfort and convenience, including the 7- inch touchscreen display with digital radio  multimedia control, Bluetooth connectivity, heated seats and Keyless Enter'n Go.
A Bose premium sound system with nine speakers, including dual headrest speakers, is also available for superior sound quality even with the top down.

Design pays homage to past with modern interpretation of styling cues
The new Fiat 124 Spider, designed at Centro Stile in Turin, Italy, borrows cues from the original 1966 Spider - widely considered one of Fiat's most beautiful cars of all time - and reinterprets them for today. The 124 Spider has a timeless low-slung presence, with a classically beautiful bodyside, well-balanced proportions and a sporty cabin-to-hood ratio. Features like the hexagonal upper grille and grille pattern, "power domes" on the front hood and sharp horizontal rear lamps call to mind details of the historic Spider.
The interior is crafted and designed to focus on the occupants, with premium soft-touch materials throughout. Ergonomics were applied to emphasize the driving experience and ensure easy operation of the steering wheel, pedals and shifter while driving.
The Fiat 124 Spider is available in two trim levels: 124 Spider and Lusso. Each model is available in 8 exterior paint colors, including Rosso Passione (Solid Red), Bianco Gelato (Solid White), Nero Vesuvio (Black Metallic), Grigio Argento (Gray Metallic), Grigio Moda (Dark Gray Metallic) Bronzo Magnetico (Bronze Metallic), Azzurro Italia (Azure Metallic) and tri-coat Bianco Ghiaccio.

Special edition gives enthusiasts the chance to own one of the first Fiat 124 Spiders
To celebrate the return of the classic nameplate, 124 vehicles will be offered as a limited-edition Anniversary. Each will be individually numbered with a commemorative badge and available in Rosso Passione exterior paint with premium leather seats in black. The new Fiat 124 Spider will arrive in FIAT studios in EMEA in summer 2016.

luni, 16 noiembrie 2015

Restaurare in Romania pentru o Lancia Integrale Evoluzione 2 ?!?!?!

    O domnisoara a postat pe pagina noastra https://www.facebook.com/clublanciaro  si in grupul aferent https://www.facebook.com/groups/194803840713034/ , idem pe forum , un mesaj din partea logodnicului, care, in Romania, cauta un specialist pentru a restaura un exemplar de   Lancia Integrale Evoluzione 2 !

I just want to say hi and introduce myself. I recently moved to Ploiesti, Romania (this is my girfriends fb account).
My Lancia was transported to Ploiesti a few months ago and is waiting for restoration, any contacts for work on the car would be most appreciated.
She is my baby, I've had a long love affair with Lancia. Hope to meet new like minded friends- heres the car!
The L plate is when I bought it. I took her off the road about 5 years ago when I moved house and my blew the engine. It was sitting in a friends yard and slowly deteriorated. Its now needing brought back to life! The red one is my old 8v. Had it for 9 years before selling, this had to be done to keep the numberplate D2LTA.


Stiti pe cineva, care ii poate ajuta ? Multumim frumos !

Contact => https://www.facebook.com/irina.ionela.750


duminică, 15 noiembrie 2015

Novembre Lancia News : la formula perfetta per il tuo stile

C'è un nuovo mondo per chi ama lo stile Ypsilon

  Nasce Ypsilon Owners United: entra a far parte della nuova piattaforma Lancia e vinci premi unici con partner d’eccellenza.
Abbonamenti alle palestre Virgin, coupon Eataly e tanti altri imperdibili vantaggi ti aspettano! 


Cosa indosserai questo weekend?

Nuova Ypsilon ti aspetta in concessionaria sabato14 e domenica 15 novembre: vieni ad ammirare ogni suo prezioso dettaglio.Inoltre, grazie alla speciale formula Value Free, potrai averla a 9.500€, con 5 porte e clima.
Solo fino al 30 novembre!
  Scopri di più

Cambiare, per rimanere se stessi

  La nuova Ypsilon ci porta alla scoperta dello stile della femminilità contemporanea più inattesa con la web serie Ypsilon Portrays: otto video-ritratti di donne e uomini autentici, che non hanno avuto paura di cambiare restando fedeli al loro stile unico e irripetibile, proprio come Lancia Ypsilon.  
  Scopri di più

Ypsilon st'art: nuovo stile di guida

  Lancia è stata protagonista ad Artissima con Ypsilon St’art, il progetto che ha offerto al pubblico un nuovo modo per scoprire la fiera d’arte contemporanea più importante dell’anno.
Scopri i contenuti raccolti nei giorni dell’evento e parti insieme a Ypsilon per un viaggio esclusivo tra opere, artisti e gallerie.
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